▼ builds | |
▼ administration | |
▼ walberla-website | |
▼ walberla | |
▼ apps | |
► tutorials | |
► basics | |
01_BlocksAndFields.cpp | |
02_Sweeps.cpp | |
03_GameOfLife.cpp | |
► codegen | |
01_CodegenHeatEquation.cpp | |
02_LBMLatticeModelGeneration.cpp | |
02_LBMLatticeModelGeneration.prm | |
03_AdvancedLBMCodegen.cpp | |
03_AdvancedLBMCodegen.prm | |
► gpu | |
01_GameOfLife_cuda.cpp | |
01_GameOfLife_kernels.h | |
► lbm | |
01_BasicLBM.cpp | |
01_BasicLBM.prm | |
02_BasicLBM_ExemplaryExtensions.cpp | |
02_BasicLBM_ExemplaryExtensions.prm | |
03_LBLidDrivenCavity.cpp | |
04_LBComplexGeometry.cpp | |
04_LBComplexGeometry.prm | |
05_BackwardFacingStep.cpp | |
05_BackwardFacingStep.prm | |
06_LBBoundaryCondition.cpp | |
06_LBBoundaryCondition.prm | |
► mesa_pd | |
01_MESAPD.cpp | |
► pde | |
01_SolvingPDE.cpp | |
02_HeatEquation.cpp | |
03_HeatEquation_Extensions.cpp | |
► pe | |
01_ConfinedGas.cpp | |
02_ConfinedGasExtended.cpp | |
doc | |
▼ src | |
► blockforest | |
► communication | |
all.h | Collective header file for module blockforest |
DirectionBasedReduceScheme.h | Scheme for direction based ghost layer communication |
LocalCommunicationMode.h | |
NonUniformBufferedScheme.h | |
NonUniformPackInfo.h | |
UniformBufferedScheme.h | |
UniformDirectScheme.h | |
UniformDirectScheme.impl.h | |
UniformToNonUniformPackInfoAdapter.h | |
► loadbalancing | |
► level_determination | |
MinMaxLevelDetermination.cpp | |
MinMaxLevelDetermination.h | |
► weight_assignment | |
MetisAssignmentFunctor.h | |
WeightAssignmentFunctor.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module blockforest |
BlockInfo.h | |
Cartesian.cpp | |
Cartesian.h | |
DynamicCurve.h | |
DynamicDiffusive.h | |
DynamicParMetis.cpp | |
DynamicParMetis.h | |
InfoCollection.h | |
NoPhantomData.h | |
PODPhantomData.h | |
StaticCurve.cpp | |
StaticCurve.h | |
StaticParMetis.cpp | |
StaticParMetis.h | |
AABBRefinementSelection.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module blockforest |
Block.cpp | |
Block.h | |
BlockDataHandling.cpp | |
BlockDataHandling.h | |
BlockForest.cpp | |
BlockForest.h | |
BlockForestEvaluation.cpp | |
BlockForestEvaluation.h | |
BlockForestFile.h | Description of the BlockForest save file format |
BlockID.cpp | |
BlockID.h | |
BlockNeighborhoodConstruction.cpp | |
BlockNeighborhoodConstruction.h | |
BlockNeighborhoodSection.h | |
BlockReconstruction.cpp | |
BlockReconstruction.h | |
CMakeDefs.in.h | Definitions for blockforest module configured by cmake |
GlobalLoadBalancing.h | |
HilbertCurveConstruction.h | |
Initialization.cpp | |
Initialization.h | |
OutputColor.cpp | |
OutputColor.h | |
PhantomBlock.cpp | |
PhantomBlock.h | |
PhantomBlockForest.cpp | |
PhantomBlockForest.h | |
SetupBlock.cpp | |
SetupBlock.h | |
SetupBlockForest.cpp | |
SetupBlockForest.h | |
StructuredBlockForest.cpp | |
StructuredBlockForest.h | |
Types.h | |
Utility.cpp | |
Utility.h | |
► boundary | |
► communication | |
all.h | Collective header file for module boundary |
HandlingPackInfo.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module boundary |
Boundary.cpp | |
Boundary.h | All boundary initializers combined |
BoundaryHandling.h | Default LBM Boundary Handling |
BoundaryHandlingCollection.h | |
BoundaryUID.h | |
► communication | |
doc | |
all.h | Collective header file for module communication |
ReducePackInfo.h | Stores/reduces ghost layers to/from a communication buffer |
UniformMPIDatatypeInfo.h | |
UniformPackInfo.h | |
► core | |
► cell | |
all.h | Collective header file for module core |
Cell.h | |
CellArray.h | |
CellInterval.cpp | |
CellInterval.h | |
CellSet.cpp | |
CellSet.h | |
CellVector.cpp | |
CellVector.h | |
► config | |
all.h | Collective header file for module core |
Config.cpp | Implementation of a parameter file parser |
Config.h | |
Create.cpp | |
Create.h | |
Iterator.h | |
► debug | |
all.h | Collective header file for module core |
CheckFunctions.cpp | |
CheckFunctions.h | |
CheckFunctions.impl.h | |
Debug.cpp | |
Debug.h | File for all Debug macros and classes |
demangle.h | |
OperatorCheck.h | |
PrintStacktrace.cpp | |
PrintStacktrace.h | |
TestSubsystem.cpp | Implementation of common Test functions |
TestSubsystem.h | Header file for common Test functions |
► grid_generator | |
all.h | Collective header file for module core |
HCPIterator.cpp | |
HCPIterator.h | |
SCIterator.cpp | |
SCIterator.h | |
► load_balancing | |
MetisWrapper.cpp | |
MetisWrapper.h | |
ParMetisWrapper.cpp | |
ParMetisWrapper.h | |
► logging | |
all.h | Collective header file for module core |
CMakeDefs.in.h | Definitions for core/logging configured by cmake |
Initialization.cpp | |
Initialization.h | |
Logging.cpp | |
Logging.h | |
Tracing.h | |
► math | |
AABB.h | |
AABBFwd.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module core |
Angles.h | |
CMakeDefs.in.h | Definitions for core/math configured by cmake |
Constants.h | Header file for mathematical constants |
DistributedSample.cpp | |
DistributedSample.h | |
FastInvSqrt.h | Optimized implementation of 1/sqrt( double ) |
FPClassify.h | |
GenericAABB.h | |
GenericAABB.impl.h | |
IntegerFactorization.cpp | |
IntegerFactorization.h | |
KahanSummation.h | |
Limits.h | Numerical infinity for built-in data types |
MathTrait.h | Header file for the mathematical/arithmetic trait |
Matrix2.h | Implementation of a 3x3 matrix |
Matrix3.h | Implementation of a 3x3 matrix |
MatrixMxN.h | |
Parser.cpp | |
Parser.h | |
ParserOMP.cpp | |
ParserOMP.h | |
Plane.h | |
Primes.cpp | Implements functions dealing with prime numbers |
Primes.h | Declares functions dealing with prime numbers |
Quaternion.h | Header file for the implementation of a quaternion |
Random.cpp | |
Random.h | |
Rot3.h | |
RotationFunctions.h | |
Sample.cpp | Implementations for class Sample |
Sample.h | Declarations for class Sample |
Shims.h | |
SqrtTrait.h | Header file for the square root trait |
Uint.cpp | |
Uint.h | |
Utility.h | Header file for mathematical functions and constants |
Vector2.h | Header file for the implementation of a 2D vector |
Vector3.h | Header file for the implementation of a 3D vector |
► mpi | |
► growPolicies | |
ConstantGrowth.h | Header file for the ConstantGrowth policy classes |
LinearGrowth.h | Header file for the LinearGrowth policy classes |
OptimalGrowth.h | Header file for the OptimalGrowth policy classes |
all.h | Collective header file for module core |
Broadcast.h | |
BufferDataTypeExtensions.h | Streaming Operators, to store/extract compound data types into Buffers |
BufferSizeTrait.h | |
BufferSystem.h | Header file for BufferSystem |
BufferSystem.impl.h | |
BufferSystemHelper.h | |
BufferSystemHelper.impl.h | |
Datatype.h | |
Environment.h | |
Gather.h | |
Gatherv.cpp | |
Gatherv.h | |
MPIHelper.cpp | |
MPIHelper.h | |
MPIIO.cpp | |
MPIIO.h | |
MPIManager.cpp | |
MPIManager.h | |
MPITextFile.cpp | |
MPITextFile.h | |
MPIWrapper.h | |
OpenMPBufferSystem.h | |
OpenMPBufferSystem.impl.h | |
RecvBuffer.h | Implementation of a MPI receive buffer |
Reduce.h | |
SendBuffer.h | Implementation of a MPI send buffer |
SetReduction.h | |
Tokenizing.cpp | |
Tokenizing.h | |
► perf_analysis | |
all.h | |
► selectable | |
all.h | Collective header file for module core |
AllSetSelectableObject.h | |
IsSetSelected.h | |
SelectableObject.h | |
SetSelectableObject.h | |
SetSelectionPair.h | |
► singleton | |
all.h | Collective header file for module core |
Singleton.h | |
► timing | |
all.h | Collective header file for module core |
CpuPolicy.h | CPU Timing Policy |
DeviceSynchronizePolicy.h | Gpu Timing Policy |
ReduceType.h | |
RemainingTimeLogger.h | |
StaticPolicy.cpp | Static Clock Timing Policy |
StaticPolicy.h | Static Clock Timing Policy |
Time.cpp | |
Time.h | Header file for time functions |
Timer.h | |
TimingJSON.h | |
TimingNode.cpp | |
TimingNode.h | |
TimingPool.cpp | |
TimingPool.h | |
TimingTree.cpp | |
TimingTree.h | |
WcPolicy.h | Wall Clock Timing Policy |
► uid | |
all.h | Collective header file for module core |
GlobalState.h | |
SUID.h | |
UID.h | |
UIDGenerators.h | |
UIDSet.h | |
Abort.cpp | |
Abort.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module core |
AllSet.h | |
Any.h | |
Array.h | |
ConcatIterator.h | |
Conversion.cpp | |
Conversion.h | |
DataTypes.cpp | |
DataTypes.h | |
EndianIndependentSerialization.h | |
Environment.cpp | |
Environment.h | Initialization of waLBerla |
Filesystem.h | |
Format.hpp | |
FunctionTraits.h | |
GetPID.cpp | |
GetPID.h | |
Hostname.cpp | |
Hostname.h | |
Macros.h | |
MemoryUsage.cpp | |
MemoryUsage.h | |
NonCopyable.h | |
NonCreateable.h | |
OpenMP.h | Guarded OpenMP include |
Optional.h | |
RandomUUID.cpp | |
RandomUUID.h | |
Regex.h | |
Sanitizer.h | |
Set.h | |
SharedFunctor.h | |
Sleep.cpp | |
Sleep.h | |
STLIO.h | |
stringToNum.h | |
StringUtility.h | |
StringUtility.impl.h | |
typeToString.h | |
UniqueID.h | |
Variant.h | |
VectorTrait.h | |
waLBerlaBuildInfo.h | Functions that provide information about the current build |
waLBerlaBuildInfo.in.cpp | Configured by CMake, contains information about the current build |
► domain_decomposition | |
all.h | Collective header file for module domain_decomposition |
BlockCounter.h | |
BlockDataHandling.cpp | |
BlockDataHandling.h | |
BlockDataID.h | |
BlockStorage.cpp | |
BlockStorage.h | |
BlockSweepWrapper.h | |
IBlock.cpp | |
IBlock.h | |
IBlockID.h | |
MakeBlockDataInitFunction.h | |
MapPointToPeriodicDomain.cpp | |
MapPointToPeriodicDomain.h | |
PeriodicIntersect.cpp | |
PeriodicIntersect.h | |
PeriodicIntersectionVolume.cpp | |
PeriodicIntersectionVolume.h | |
SharedSweep.h | |
StructuredBlockStorage.cpp | |
StructuredBlockStorage.h | |
StructuredBlockStorageCellMapping.h | |
► executiontree | |
ExecutionTree.cpp | |
ExecutionTree.h | |
ExecutionTree.impl.h | |
ExecutionTreeSweep.h | |
► fft | |
Fft.cpp | |
Fft.h | |
► field | |
► adaptors | |
AdaptorCreators.h | |
AdaptorIterator.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module field |
ComponentExtractionAdaptor.h | |
GhostLayerFieldAdaptor.h | |
VectorFieldAccessor.h | |
► allocation | |
AlignedMalloc.cpp | Implementation of aligned memory allocation |
AlignedMalloc.h | (De) Allocation of aligned memory |
all.h | Collective header file for module field |
FieldAllocator.h | Allocation Strategies for Fields |
► blockforest | |
all.h | |
BlockDataHandling.h | |
GradientRefinement.h | |
► communication | |
all.h | Collective header file for module field |
MPIDatatypes.h | Functions to generate MPI data types for fields |
MPIDatatypes.impl.h | Implementation of functions to generate MPI data types for fields |
PackInfo.h | Stores/loads ghost layers to/from a communication buffer |
ReducePackInfo.h | Stores/reduces ghost layers to/from a communication buffer |
StencilRestrictedMPIDatatypeInfo.h | |
StencilRestrictedPackInfo.h | Packs only certain components of a field |
UniformMPIDatatypeInfo.h | |
UniformPullReductionPackInfo.h | |
► distributors | |
all.h | |
DistributorCreators.h | |
KernelDistributor.h | |
NearestNeighborDistributor.h | |
doc | |
► interpolators | |
all.h | Collective header file for module field |
FieldInterpolatorCreators.h | |
KernelFieldInterpolator.h | |
NearestNeighborFieldInterpolator.h | |
NearestNeighborInterpolator.h | |
TrilinearFieldInterpolator.h | |
TrilinearInterpolator.h | |
TrilinearInterpolatorFwd.h | |
► iterators | |
all.h | Collective header file for module field |
FieldIterator.h | |
FieldIterator.impl.h | |
FieldNeighborPointer.h | |
FieldPointer.h | |
IteratorMacros.h | |
► refinement | |
all.h | Collective header file for module lbm |
PackInfo.h | |
► vtk | |
all.h | Collective header file for module field |
FlagFieldCellFilter.h | |
FlagFieldMapping.h | |
VTKWriter.h | |
AccuracyEvaluation.h | |
AccuracyEvaluationLinePlot.h | |
AddToStorage.h | Functions to add fields to blocks |
all.h | Collective header file for module field |
CellCounter.h | |
CMakeDefs.in.h | Definitions for field module configured by cmake |
EvaluationFilter.h | |
Field.h | Four dimensional field/lattice class |
Field.impl.h | Definitions of Field members |
FieldClone.h | Class holds one copy for each size of the given field |
FileIO.h | |
FileIO.impl.h | |
FlagField.h | GhostLayerField that stores flags |
FlagField.impl.h | Implementation of FlagField |
FlagFunctions.h | Bit operations on integer data types |
FlagUID.h | UID for flags used in the FlagField class |
Gather.h | Collect field from all blocks |
GhostLayerField.h | GhostLayerField class extends Field with ghost layer information |
GhostLayerField.impl.h | Definitions of Field members |
GhostRegions.h | |
Layout.h | |
MassEvaluation.h | |
Printers.h | Console output for Fields |
Printers.impl.h | Implementation of field printers |
StabilityChecker.h | |
SwapableCompare.h | |
SymmetryCheck.h | |
VolumetricFlowRateEvaluation.h | |
► gather | |
all.h | Collective header file for module gather |
CellGatherPackInfo.h | |
CellGatherPackInfo.impl.h | |
CommonSchemeFunctions.h | Common Functions for Gather Schemes |
CurveGatherPackInfo.h | Packs data along a Curve |
CurveGatherPackInfo.impl.h | Implementation of CurveGatherPackInfo |
DataProcessor.h | DataProcessor Interface |
FileGatherScheme.cpp | Gathering Data using Files |
FileGatherScheme.h | Gathering Data using Files |
GatherPackInfo.h | |
GnuPlotGraphWriter.h | |
MPIGatherScheme.cpp | Communicating gathered data using MPI |
MPIGatherScheme.h | Communicating gathered data using MPI |
► geometry | |
► bodies | |
AABBBody.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module geometry |
BodyFromConfig.cpp | |
BodyFromConfig.h | Functions to create a body from a configuration block |
BodyLogic.h | |
BodyOverlapFunctions.h | Body Concept |
BodyOverlapFunctions.impl.h | |
Cylinder.cpp | |
Cylinder.h | |
DynamicBody.h | |
Ellipsoid.cpp | |
Ellipsoid.h | |
Sphere.cpp | |
Sphere.h | |
Torus.cpp | |
Torus.h | |
► containment_octree | |
all.h | Collective header file for containment octree |
BranchNode.h | |
ContainmentOctree.h | |
IndeterminateLeafNode.h | |
InsideLeafNode.h | |
LeafNode.h | |
Node.h | |
OutsideLeafNode.h | |
► initializer | |
all.h | Collective header file for module geometry |
BoundaryFromBody.h | |
BoundaryFromBody.impl.h | Implementations for BoundaryFromBody |
BoundaryFromCellInterval.h | |
BoundaryFromCellInterval.impl.h | Implementations for BoundaryFromCellInterval |
BoundaryFromDomainBorder.h | |
BoundaryFromDomainBorder.impl.h | |
BoundaryFromImage.h | Initializes boundary handling using an image |
BoundaryFromImage.impl.h | |
BoundaryFromVoxelFile.cpp | |
BoundaryFromVoxelFile.h | |
BoundaryFromVoxelFile.impl.h | |
BoundarySetter.h | |
BoundarySetterFlagFieldSpecialization.h | |
InitializationManager.cpp | |
InitializationManager.h | |
Initializer.h | |
OverlapFieldFromBody.cpp | |
OverlapFieldFromBody.h | |
ScalarFieldFromBody.h | |
ScalarFieldFromBody.impl.h | |
ScalarFieldFromCellInterval.h | |
ScalarFieldFromCellInterval.impl.h | Implementations for ScalarFieldFromCellInterval |
ScalarFieldFromGrayScaleImage.cpp | |
ScalarFieldFromGrayScaleImage.h | |
► mesh | |
all.h | Collective header file for module geometry |
TriangleMesh.cpp | |
TriangleMesh.h | Class for storing Triangle Mesh using vertex index array |
TriangleMeshComm.h | Functions for Packing/Unpacking TriangleMesh objects into Send/RecvBuffer objects |
TriangleMeshIO.cpp | Implementation of IO functions for Mesh data structure in OBJ and POV format |
TriangleMeshIO.h | Input/Output functions for mesh data structure in OBJ and POV format |
► structured | |
all.h | Collective header file for module geometry |
BasicVoxelFileReader.h | Declares class StructuredGeometryFileBasicReader that provides a low-level reader for waLBerla geometry files |
BasicVoxelFileReader.impl.h | Defines class StructuredGeometryFileBasicReader that provides a low-level reader for waLBerla geometry files |
BinaryRawFile.cpp | |
BinaryRawFile.h | |
GrayScaleImage.cpp | |
GrayScaleImage.h | |
RGBAImage.cpp | |
RGBAImage.h | |
VoxelFileReader.h | Declares class StructuredGeometryFileReader that provides a reader for waLBerla geometry files |
VoxelFileReader.impl.h | Defines class StructuredGeometryFileReader that provides a reader for waLBerla geometry files |
all.h | Collective header file for module geometry |
GeometricalFunctions.cpp | Utility functions for geometrical calculations |
GeometricalFunctions.h | Utility functions for geometrical calculations |
InitBoundaryHandling.h | |
► gpu | |
► communication | |
CustomMemoryBuffer.h | Basic Buffer supporting different memory spaces |
CustomMemoryBuffer.impl.h | |
GeneratedGPUPackInfo.h | |
GeneratedNonUniformGPUPackInfo.h | |
GPUPackInfo.h | |
MemcpyPackInfo.h | |
MemcpyPackInfo.impl.h | |
NonUniformGPUScheme.h | |
UniformGPUScheme.h | |
UniformGPUScheme.impl.h | |
doc | |
► lbm | |
CombinedInPlaceGpuPackInfo.h | |
► sweeps | |
GPUSweepBase.h | |
AddGPUFieldToStorage.h | |
AddGPUFieldToStorage.impl.h | |
AlignedAllocation.cpp | |
AlignedAllocation.h | |
DeviceSelectMPI.cpp | |
DeviceSelectMPI.h | |
DeviceWrapper.h | |
ErrorChecking.h | |
FieldAccessor.h | |
FieldAccessor3D.h | |
FieldAccessorXYZ.h | |
FieldCopy.h | |
FieldIndexing.h | Indexing Scheme that executes all elements of inner coordinate within on thread block |
FieldIndexing.impl.h | |
FieldIndexing3D.h | Indexing Scheme that executes all elements of inner coordinate within on thread block |
FieldIndexing3D.impl.h | |
FieldIndexingXYZ.h | |
FieldIndexingXYZ.impl.h | |
GPUCopy.cpp | Copy routines of 4D intervals involving GPU buffers |
GPUCopy.h | Copy routines of 4D intervals involving GPU buffers |
GPUField.h | |
GPUField.impl.h | |
GPUWrapper.h | |
HostFieldAllocator.h | Allocator that allocates a CPU! field using gpuHostAlloc |
Kernel.h | |
NVTX.h | |
ParallelStreams.cpp | |
ParallelStreams.h | |
► gui | |
► BlockSliceView | |
BlockSliceView.cpp | |
BlockSliceView.h | |
CellView.cpp | |
CellView.h | |
DisplayAdaptor.h | |
DisplayPropertiesItem.cpp | |
DisplayPropertiesItem.h | |
FieldDisplayAdaptor.h | |
FlagFieldDisplayAdaptor.h | |
FlagFieldDisplayAdaptor.impl.h | |
ISliceChangeListener.h | |
ScalarField3DisplayAdaptor.h | |
ScalarField3DisplayAdaptor.impl.h | |
ScalarFieldDisplayAdaptor.h | |
ScalarFieldDisplayAdaptor.impl.h | |
VectorFieldDisplayAdaptor.h | |
VectorFieldDisplayAdaptor.impl.h | |
► BlockView3D | |
BlockDisplayObject.cpp | |
BlockDisplayObject.h | |
BlockView3D.cpp | |
BlockView3D.h | Header file for 3D Block View |
► BlockViewText | |
BlockViewText.cpp | |
BlockViewText.h | |
► MainWindow | |
BlockTreeView.cpp | |
BlockTreeView.h | |
GuiUtil.cpp | |
GuiUtil.h | Utility functions for Qt GUI |
MainWindow.cpp | |
MainWindow.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module geometry |
CMakeDefs.in.h | Definitions for blockforest module configured by cmake |
Gui.cpp | |
Gui.h | |
PropertyTree.cpp | |
PropertyTree.h | Interface for displaying tree based key-value information |
PropertyTree.impl.h | |
► lbm | |
► blockforest | |
► communication | |
SimpleCommunication.h | |
UpdateSecondGhostLayer.h | |
all.h | |
PostProcessing.h | |
► boundary | |
► factories | |
all.h | Collective header file for module lbm |
DefaultBoundaryHandling.h | |
DefaultBoundaryHandlingCollection.h | |
DefaultDiffusionBoundaryHandling.h | |
ExtendedBoundaryHandlingFactory.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module lbm |
Curved.h | |
DiffusionDirichlet.h | |
DynamicUBB.h | |
FreeDiffusion.h | |
FreeSlip.h | |
NoDiffusion.h | |
NoSlip.h | |
Outlet.h | |
ParserUBB.h | |
Pressure.h | |
SimpleDiffusionDirichlet.h | |
SimplePAB.h | |
SimplePressure.h | |
SimpleUBB.h | |
SimpleVelocityBoundary.h | |
UBB.h | |
VelocityBoundary.h | |
► communication | |
all.h | Collective header file for module lbm |
CombinedInPlaceCpuPackInfo.h | |
PdfFieldMPIDatatypeInfo.h | |
PdfFieldPackInfo.h | Optimized packing for PDF fields, by communicating only required components |
SparsePdfFieldPackInfo.h | |
► cumulant | |
CellwiseSweep.impl.h | |
► evaluations | |
all.h | Collective header file for module lbm |
Permeability.h | |
Permeability.impl.h | |
► field | |
► initializer | |
all.h | Collective header file for module lbm |
ExprSystemInitFunction.cpp | |
ExprSystemInitFunction.h | |
PdfFieldInitializer.h | |
PdfFieldInitializer.impl.h | |
Adaptors.h | |
AddToStorage.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module lbm |
Density.h | |
DensityAndMomentumDensity.h | |
DensityAndVelocity.h | |
DensityVelocityCallback.h | |
Equilibrium.h | |
MacroscopicValueCalculation.h | |
MomentumDensity.h | |
PdfField.h | |
PressureTensor.h | |
QCriterion.h | |
QCriterionFieldWriter.h | |
ShearRate.h | |
VelocityFieldWriter.h | |
Vorticity.h | |
► free_surface | |
► boundary | |
FreeSurfaceBoundaryHandling.h | |
FreeSurfaceBoundaryHandling.impl.h | Boundary handling for the free surface LBM module |
SimplePressureWithFreeSurface.h | SimplePressure boundary condition for the free surface LBM |
► bubble_model | |
Bubble.h | Describes a bubble as gas volume via volume and density |
BubbleDefinitions.h | Type definitions for the bubble_model |
BubbleDistanceAdaptor.h | Get the distance to a certain bubble ID |
BubbleIDFieldPackInfo.h | Pack/unpack information for a field containing bubble IDs |
BubbleModel.h | System for tracking pressure/density in gas volumes |
BubbleModel.impl.h | System for tracking pressure/density in gas volumes |
BubbleModelFromConfig.h | Create and initialize BubbleModel with information from a config object |
BubbleModelFromConfig.impl.h | Create and initialize BubbleModel with information from a config object |
DisjoiningPressureBubbleModel.h | Bubble Model with additional pressure term (disjoining pressure) |
DisjoiningPressureBubbleModel.impl.h | Bubble Model with additional pressure term (disjoining pressure) |
DistanceInfo.cpp | Compute the distances between bubbles |
DistanceInfo.h | Compute the distances between bubbles |
FloodFill.h | Flood fill algorithm to identify connected gas volumes as bubbles |
FloodFill.impl.h | Flood fill algorithm to identify connected gas volumes as bubbles |
Geometry.h | Geometrical helper functions for the bubble model |
Geometry.impl.h | Geometrical helper functions for the bubble model |
MergeInformation.cpp | Manage merging of bubbles |
MergeInformation.h | Manage merging of bubbles |
NewBubbleCommunication.cpp | Communication for the creation of new bubbles |
NewBubbleCommunication.h | Communication for the creation of new bubbles |
RegionalFloodFill.h | Flood fill algorithm in a constrained neighborhood around a cell |
► dynamics | |
► functionality | |
AdvectMass.h | Calculate the mass advection for a single interface cell |
FindInterfaceCellConversion.h | Find and mark interface cells for conversion to gas/liquid |
GetLaplacePressure.h | Compute difference in density due to Laplace pressure |
GetOredNeighborhood.h | Combines the flags of all neighboring cells using bitwise OR |
ReconstructInterfaceCellABB.h | Free surface boundary condition as in Koerner et al., 2005. Similar to anti-bounce-back pressure condition |
CellConversionSweep.h | Convert cells to/from interface cells |
ConversionFlagsResetSweep.h | |
ExcessMassDistributionModel.h | Class that specifies how excessive mass is distributed |
ExcessMassDistributionSweep.h | Distribute excess mass, i.e., mass that is undistributed after conversions from interface to liquid or gas |
ExcessMassDistributionSweep.impl.h | Distribute excess mass, i.e., mass that is undistributed after conversions from interface to liquid or gas |
ForceDensitySweep.h | Weight force in interface cells with fill level and density (equation 15 in Koerner et al., 2005) |
PdfReconstructionModel.h | Class that specifies the number of reconstructed PDFs at the free surface interface |
PdfRefillingModel.h | Defines how cells are refilled (i.e. PDFs reinitialized) after the cell was converted from gas to interface |
PdfRefillingSweep.h | Sweeps for refilling cells (i.e. reinitializing PDFs) after the cell was converted from gas to interface |
PdfRefillingSweep.impl.h | Sweeps for refilling cells (i.e. reinitializing PDFs) after the cell was converted from gas to interface |
StreamReconstructAdvectSweep.h | Sweep for reconstruction of PDFs, streaming of PDFs (only in interface cells), advection of mass, update of bubble volumes and marking interface cells for conversion |
SurfaceDynamicsHandler.h | Handles the free surface dynamics (mass advection, LBM, boundary condition, cell conversion etc.) |
► surface_geometry | |
ContactAngle.h | Class to avoid re-computing sine and cosine of the contact angle |
CurvatureModel.h | Collection of sweeps required for using a specific curvature model |
CurvatureModel.impl.h | Collection of sweeps required for using a specific curvature model |
CurvatureSweep.h | Sweeps for computing the interface curvature |
CurvatureSweep.impl.h | Sweeps for computing the interface curvature |
DetectWettingSweep.h | Sweep for detecting cells that need to be converted to interface to obtain a smooth wetting interface |
ExtrapolateNormalsSweep.h | Extrapolate interface normals to neighboring cells in D3Q27 direction |
ExtrapolateNormalsSweep.impl.h | Extrapolate interface normals to neighboring cells in D3Q27 direction |
NormalSweep.h | Compute interface normal |
NormalSweep.impl.h | Compute interface normal |
ObstacleFillLevelSweep.h | Reflect fill levels into obstacle cells (for finite difference curvature computation) |
ObstacleFillLevelSweep.impl.h | |
ObstacleNormalSweep.h | Compute a mean obstacle normal in interface cells near solid boundary cells |
ObstacleNormalSweep.impl.h | Compute a mean obstacle normal in interface cells near solid boundary cells |
SmoothingSweep.h | Smooth fill levels (used for finite difference curvature computation) |
SmoothingSweep.impl.h | Smooth fill levels (used for finite difference curvature computation) |
SurfaceGeometryHandler.h | Handles the surface geometry (normal and curvature computation) by creating fields and adding sweeps |
Utility.cpp | Helper functions for surface geometry computations |
Utility.h | Helper functions for surface geometry computations |
BlockStateDetectorSweep.h | Set block states according to their content, i.e., free surface flags |
FlagDefinitions.h | |
FlagInfo.h | Define free surface flags (e.g. conversion flags) |
FlagInfo.impl.h | Define and manage free surface flags (e.g. conversion flags) |
InitFunctions.h | Initialization functions |
InterfaceFromFillLevel.h | Check whether a cell should be an interface cell according to its properties |
LoadBalancing.h | Free surface-specific functionality for load balancing |
MaxVelocityComputer.h | Compute the maximum velocity of all liquid and interface cells (in each direction) in the system |
SurfaceMeshWriter.h | Free surface-specific class for writing the free surface as triangle mesh |
TotalMassComputer.h | Compute the total mass of the system (including mass from the excessMassField) |
VtkWriter.h | Free surface-specific VTK writer function |
► geometry | |
► initializer | |
PoiseuilleInitializer.h | |
PoiseuilleInitializer.impl.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module lbm |
IntersectionRatio.cpp | |
IntersectionRatio.h | |
IntersectionRatio.impl.h | |
► gui | |
all.h | Collective header file for module lbm |
Connection.h | |
PdfFieldDisplayAdaptor.h | |
PdfFieldDisplayAdaptor.impl.h | |
► inplace_streaming | |
all.h | |
TimestepTracker.h | |
► lattice_model | |
all.h | Collective header file for module lbm |
CollisionModel.cpp | |
CollisionModel.h | |
D2Q9.h | |
D3Q15.h | |
D3Q19.h | |
D3Q27.h | |
EquilibriumDistribution.h | |
ForceModel.h | |
LatticeModelBase.h | |
NeighborsStencil.h | |
SmagorinskyLES.h | |
► mrt | |
► cell_operations | |
DefaultCellOperation.impl.h | |
CellwiseSweep.impl.h | |
SplitPureSweep.impl.h | |
SplitSweep.impl.h | |
► refinement | |
all.h | Collective header file for module lbm |
BoundarySetup.h | |
CurlBasedLevelDetermination.h | |
EqualLevelBorderStreamCorrection.h | |
LinearExplosion.h | |
PdfFieldPackInfo.h | |
PdfFieldSyncPackInfo.h | |
RefinementFunctorWrapper.h | |
TimeStep.h | |
TimeStepPdfPackInfo.h | |
TimeTracker.h | |
VorticityBasedLevelDetermination.h | |
► srt | |
► cell_operations | |
AdvectionDiffusionCellOperation.impl.h | |
DefaultCellOperation.impl.h | |
AdvectionDiffusionSweep.impl.h | |
CellwiseSweep.impl.h | |
SplitPureSweep.impl.h | |
SplitSweep.impl.h | |
► sweeps | |
► cell_operations | |
AdvectionDiffusionCellOperation.h | |
DefaultCellOperation.h | |
ActiveCellSweep.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module lbm |
CellwiseSweep.h | |
FlagFieldSweepBase.h | |
SplitPureSweep.h | |
SplitSweep.h | |
Streaming.h | |
StreamPull.h | |
SweepBase.h | |
SweepWrappers.h | |
► trt | |
► cell_operations | |
DefaultCellOperation.impl.h | |
CellwiseSweep.impl.h | |
SplitPureSweep.impl.h | |
SplitSweep.impl.h | |
► vtk | |
all.h | Collective header file for module lbm |
CurlMagnitude.h | |
Density.h | |
NonEquilibrium.h | |
PressureTensor.h | |
QCriterion.h | |
QCriterionCellFilter.h | |
Velocity.h | |
VelocityCellFilter.h | |
Vorticity.h | |
VTKOutput.h | Default LBM VTK Output |
all.h | Collective header file for module lbm |
BlockForestEvaluation.h | |
IntelCompilerOptimization.h | |
MassEvaluation.h | |
PerformanceEvaluation.h | |
PerformanceLogger.h | |
► lbm_generated | |
► boundary | |
D3Q19BoundaryCollection.h | |
D3Q27BoundaryCollection.h | |
FixedDensityD3Q19.cpp | |
FixedDensityD3Q19.h | |
FixedDensityD3Q27.cpp | |
FixedDensityD3Q27.h | |
FreeSlipD3Q19.cpp | |
FreeSlipD3Q19.h | |
FreeSlipD3Q27.cpp | |
FreeSlipD3Q27.h | |
NoSlipD3Q19.cpp | |
NoSlipD3Q19.h | |
NoSlipD3Q27.cpp | |
NoSlipD3Q27.h | |
OutflowD3Q19.cpp | |
OutflowD3Q19.h | |
OutflowD3Q27.cpp | |
OutflowD3Q27.h | |
UBBD3Q19.cpp | |
UBBD3Q19.h | |
UBBD3Q27.cpp | |
UBBD3Q27.h | |
► communication | |
CombinedInPlacePackInfo.h | |
NonuniformCommData.h | |
NonuniformCommData.impl.h | |
NonuniformGeneratedPdfPackInfo.h | |
NonuniformGeneratedPdfPackInfo.impl.h | |
UniformGeneratedPdfPackInfo.h | Class Template for Lattice Boltzmann PDF Pack Infos using code-generated kernels |
► evaluation | |
PerformanceEvaluation.h | |
► field | |
AddToStorage.h | |
PdfField.h | |
► gpu | |
AddToStorage.h | |
BasicRecursiveTimeStepGPU.h | |
BasicRecursiveTimeStepGPU.impl.h | |
GPUPdfField.h | |
NonuniformGeneratedGPUPdfPackInfo.h | |
NonuniformGeneratedGPUPdfPackInfo.impl.h | |
NonuniformGPUCommData.h | |
NonuniformGPUCommData.impl.h | |
UniformGeneratedGPUPdfPackInfo.h | Class Template for Lattice Boltzmann PDF Pack Infos using code-generated kernels |
► refinement | |
BasicRecursiveTimeStep.h | |
BasicRecursiveTimeStep.impl.h | |
RefinementScaling.h | |
► storage_specification | |
D3Q19StorageSpecification.cpp | |
D3Q19StorageSpecification.h | |
D3Q27StorageSpecification.cpp | |
D3Q27StorageSpecification.h | |
► sweep_collection | |
D3Q19SRT.cpp | |
D3Q19SRT.h | |
D3Q27SRT.cpp | |
D3Q27SRT.h | |
► lbm_mesapd_coupling | |
► amr | |
► level_determination | |
ParticlePresenceLevelDetermination.h | |
► weight_assignment | |
MetisAssignmentFunctor.cpp | |
MetisAssignmentFunctor.h | |
WeightAssignmentFunctor.h | |
WeightEvaluationFunctions.h | |
BlockInfo.h | |
InfoCollection.h | |
► mapping | |
ParticleBoundingBox.h | |
ParticleMapping.h | |
► momentum_exchange_method | |
► boundary | |
CurvedLinear.h | |
SimpleBB.h | |
► reconstruction | |
ExtrapolationDirectionFinder.h | |
PdfReconstructionManager.h | |
Reconstructor.h | |
MovingParticleMapping.h | |
► overlapping | |
► shapes | |
BoxWithOverlap.h | Wrapper class that provides a "contains" function for MESA-PD boxes |
CylindricalBoundaryWithOverlap.h | Wrapper class that provides a "contains" function for MESA-PD cylindrical boundaries |
EllipsoidWithOverlap.h | Wrapper class that provides a "contains" function for MESA-PD ellipsoids |
HalfSpaceWithOverlap.h | Wrapper class that provides a "contains" function for MESA-PD half spaces |
SphereWithOverlap.h | Wrapper class that provides a "contains" function for MESA-PD spheres |
OverlapFraction.h | Functor that provides overlap fraction computations for different MESA-PD shapes (used for SingleCast) |
► partially_saturated_cells_method | |
ParticleAndVolumeFractionMapping.h | |
PSMSweep.h | Modification of pe_coupling/partially_saturated_cells_method/PSMSweep.h |
PSMUtility.h | Modification of pe_coupling/partially_saturated_cells_method/PSMUtility.h |
► utility | |
► virtualmass | |
AddVirtualForceTorqueKernel.h | |
InitializeVirtualMassKernel.h | |
ParticleAccessorWithShapeVirtualMassWrapper.h | |
AddAccelerationOnParticlesKernel.h | |
AddForceOnParticlesKernel.h | |
AddHydrodynamicInteractionKernel.h | |
AverageHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel.h | |
InitializeHydrodynamicForceTorqueForAveragingKernel.h | |
InspectionProbe.h | |
LubricationCorrectionKernel.h | |
OmegaBulkAdaption.h | |
ParticleFunctions.h | |
ParticleSelector.h | |
ResetHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel.h | |
SubCyclingManager.cpp | |
SubCyclingManager.h | |
DataTypes.h | |
► mesa_pd | |
► collision_detection | |
AnalyticCollisionFunctions.h | |
AnalyticContactDetection.h | |
BroadPhase.h | |
EPA.cpp | |
EPA.h | |
GeneralContactDetection.h | |
GJK.cpp | |
GJK.h | |
Support.h | |
► common | |
AABBConversion.h | |
Contains.h | |
ParticleFunctions.h | |
RayParticleIntersection.h | |
► data | |
► shape | |
BaseShape.h | |
Box.h | |
ConvexPolyhedron.h | |
CylindricalBoundary.h | |
Ellipsoid.h | |
HalfSpace.h | |
Sphere.h | |
ContactAccessor.h | |
ContactHistory.h | |
ContactStorage.h | |
DataTypes.h | |
Flags.h | |
HashGrids.h | |
IAccessor.h | |
IContactAccessor.h | |
LinkedCells.h | |
ParticleAccessor.h | |
ParticleAccessorWithBaseShape.h | |
ParticleAccessorWithShape.h | |
ParticleStorage.h | |
ShapeStorage.h | |
SparseLinkedCells.h | |
STLOverloads.h | |
► domain | |
BlockForestDataHandling.cpp | |
BlockForestDataHandling.h | |
BlockForestDomain.cpp | |
BlockForestDomain.h | |
IDomain.h | |
InfiniteDomain.h | |
InfoCollection.h | |
► kernel | |
► cnt | |
AnisotropicVDWContact.h | |
IntegratedVDWContact.h | |
IsotropicVDWContact.h | |
Parameters.h | |
VBondContact.h | |
ViscousDamping.h | |
WallContact.h | |
AssocToBlock.h | |
DetectAndStoreContacts.h | |
DoubleCast.h | |
ExplicitEuler.h | |
ExplicitEulerWithShape.h | |
ForceLJ.h | |
HCSITSRelaxationStep.h | |
HeatConduction.h | |
InitContactsForHCSITS.h | |
InitParticlesForHCSITS.h | |
InsertParticleIntoLinkedCells.h | |
InsertParticleIntoSparseLinkedCells.h | |
IntegrateParticlesHCSITS.h | |
LinearSpringDashpot.h | |
NonLinearSpringDashpot.h | |
ParticleSelector.h | |
PFCDamping.h | |
SemiImplicitEuler.h | |
SingleCast.h | |
SpringDashpot.h | |
SpringDashpotSpring.h | |
TemperatureIntegration.h | |
VelocityVerlet.h | |
► mpi | |
► notifications | |
ContactHistoryNotification.h | |
ForceTorqueNotification.h | |
HeatFluxNotification.h | |
HydrodynamicForceTorqueNotification.h | |
NewGhostParticleNotification.h | |
NotificationType.h | Header file for the notification types |
NumContactNotification.h | |
PackNotification.h | |
ParseMessage.h | Parsing of messages |
ParticleCopyNotification.h | |
ParticleGhostCopyNotification.h | |
ParticleMigrationNotification.h | |
ParticleRemoteMigrationNotification.h | |
ParticleRemovalInformationNotification.h | |
ParticleRemovalNotification.h | |
ParticleUpdateNotification.h | |
reset.h | |
VelocityCorrectionNotification.h | |
VelocityUpdateNotification.h | |
BroadcastProperty.h | |
ClearGhostOwnerSync.h | |
ClearNextNeighborSync.h | |
ContactFilter.h | |
ReduceContactHistory.h | |
ReduceProperty.h | |
RemoveAndNotify.cpp | |
RemoveAndNotify.h | |
ShapePackUnpack.h | |
SyncGhostOwners.cpp | |
SyncGhostOwners.h | |
SyncNextNeighbors.cpp | |
SyncNextNeighbors.h | |
SyncNextNeighborsBlockForest.cpp | |
SyncNextNeighborsBlockForest.h | |
SyncNextNeighborsNoGhosts.cpp | |
SyncNextNeighborsNoGhosts.h | |
► sorting | |
HilbertCompareFunctor.cpp | |
HilbertCompareFunctor.h | |
LinearizedCompareFunctor.cpp | |
LinearizedCompareFunctor.h | |
► vtk | |
► ConvexPolyhedron | |
► data_sources | |
DataSourceAdapters.h | |
FaceDataSource.h | |
OutputSelectorFaceDataSource.h | |
OutputSelectorVertexDataSource.h | |
SurfaceVelocityVertexDataSource.h | |
VertexDataSource.h | |
► tesselation | |
ConvexPolyhedronTesselation.h | |
MeshParticleVTKOutput.h | |
Types.h | |
OutputSelector.h | |
ParticleVtkOutput.cpp | |
ParticleVtkOutput.h | |
TensorGlyph.cpp | |
TensorGlyph.h | |
WriteOutput.h | |
► mesh | |
► blockforest | |
BlockExclusion.h | |
BlockForestInitialization.cpp | |
BlockForestInitialization.h | |
BlockWorkloadMemory.h | |
RefinementSelection.h | |
► boundary | |
BoundaryInfo.h | |
BoundaryLocation.h | |
BoundaryLocationFunction.h | |
BoundarySetup.cpp | |
BoundarySetup.h | |
BoundaryUIDFaceDataSource.h | |
ColorToBoundaryMapper.h | |
► pe | |
► communication | |
ConvexPolyhedron.cpp | |
ConvexPolyhedron.h | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
► raytracing | |
Intersects.h | |
► rigid_body | |
ConvexPolyhedron.cpp | |
ConvexPolyhedron.h | |
ConvexPolyhedronFactory.cpp | |
ConvexPolyhedronFactory.h | |
► tesselation | |
Box.h | |
ConvexPolyhedron.h | |
Sphere.h | |
► vtk | |
CommonDataSources.h | |
PeVTKMeshWriter.h | |
DefaultTesselation.h | |
Types.h | Forwards declarations for mesh::pe bodies |
MeshConversion.h | |
► mesh_common | |
► distance_octree | |
BranchNode.h | |
DistanceOctree.h | |
LeafNode.h | |
Node.h | |
► vtk | |
CommonDataSources.h | |
CommonFilters.h | |
DistributedVTKMeshWriter.h | |
VTKMeshWriter.h | |
DistanceComputations.h | |
DistanceFunction.h | |
MatrixVectorOperations.h | |
MeshIO.h | |
MeshOperations.h | |
OpenMeshBufferTypeExtensions.h | |
PolyMeshes.h | |
QHull.h | |
TriangleMeshes.h | |
► pde | |
► boundary | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pde |
Dirichlet.h | |
Dirichlet_withDx.h | |
Neumann.h | |
► iterations | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pde |
CGFixedStencilIteration.h | |
CGIteration.h | |
JacobiIteration.cpp | |
JacobiIteration.h | |
RBGSIteration.cpp | |
RBGSIteration.h | |
VCycles.h | |
VCycles.impl.h | |
► sweeps | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pde |
Jacobi.h | |
JacobiFixedStencil.h | |
Multigrid.h | |
Multigrid.impl.h | |
RBGS.h | |
RBGSFixedStencil.h | |
SOR.h | |
SORFixedStencil.h | |
StencilFieldSweepBase.h | |
StencilSweepBase.h | |
SweepBase.cpp | |
SweepBase.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pde |
ConditionalResidualNorm.h | |
ResidualNorm.h | |
ResidualNormStencilField.h | |
► pe | |
► amr | |
InfoCollection.cpp | |
InfoCollection.h | |
► bg | |
IBG.h | |
SimpleBG.h | |
SimpleBGDataHandling.h | |
► ccd | |
CCDDataHandling.h | |
HashGrids.cpp | |
HashGrids.h | |
HashGridsBodyTrait.h | |
HashGridsDataHandling.h | |
ICCD.h | |
SimpleCCD.cpp | |
SimpleCCD.h | |
SimpleCCDDataHandling.h | |
► collision | |
EPA.cpp | |
EPA.h | |
GJK.cpp | |
GJK.h | |
► communication | |
► rigidbody | |
Box.cpp | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
Box.h | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
Capsule.cpp | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
Capsule.h | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
Ellipsoid.cpp | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
Ellipsoid.h | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
Sphere.cpp | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
Sphere.h | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
Squirmer.cpp | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
Squirmer.h | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
Union.h | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
DynamicMarshalling.h | |
Instantiate.h | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
Marshalling.cpp | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
Marshalling.h | Marshalling of objects for data transmission or storage |
NotificationType.h | Header file for the notification types |
PackNotification.h | Header file for packNotification |
ParseMessage.h | Parsing of messages |
RigidBodyCopyNotification.h | Header file for the RigidBodyCopyNotification class |
RigidBodyDeletionNotification.h | Header file for the RigidBodyDeletionNotification class |
RigidBodyForceNotification.h | Header file for the RigidBodyForceNotification class |
RigidBodyMigrationNotification.h | Header file for the RigidBodyMigrationNotification class |
RigidBodyNewShadowCopyNotification.h | Header file for the RigidBodyNewShadowCopyNotification class |
RigidBodyRemoteMigrationNotification.h | Header file for the RigidBodyRemoteMigrationNotification class |
RigidBodyRemovalInformationNotification.h | Header file for the RigidBodyRemovalNotification class |
RigidBodyRemovalNotification.h | Header file for the RigidBodyRemovalNotification class |
RigidBodyUpdateNotification.h | Header file for the RigidBodyUpdateNotification class |
RigidBodyVelocityCorrectionNotification.h | Header file for the RigidBodyVelocityCorrectionNotification class |
RigidBodyVelocityUpdateNotification.h | Header file for the RigidBodyVelocityUpdateNotification class |
► contact | |
Contact.cpp | Source file for the Contact class |
Contact.h | Header file for the Contact class |
ContactFunctions.h | |
ContactFunctions.impl.h | |
► cr | |
ContactResolvers.h | Header file for DEM contact models |
DEM.h | Header file for the DEM solver |
DEM.impl.h | Source file for the DEM solver |
HCSITS.h | Header file for the hard contact solver |
HCSITS.impl.h | Source file for the hard contact solver |
HCSITSBodyTrait.h | Header file for the hard contact solver |
ICR.h | |
Integrators.h | Integrators for the DEM collision resolver |
PlainIntegrator.h | Header file for the Plain Integrator solver |
PlainIntegrator.impl.h | |
► debug | |
BodyData.cpp | |
BodyData.h | |
► fcd | |
AnalyticCollisionDetection.h | |
GenericFCD.h | |
GJKEPACollideFunctor.h | |
IFCD.h | |
SimpleFCD.h | |
SimpleFCDDataHandling.h | |
► raytracing | |
Color.cpp | |
Color.h | |
Intersects.h | |
Lighting.h | |
Ray.cpp | |
Ray.h | |
Raytracer.cpp | |
Raytracer.h | |
ShadingFunctions.h | |
ShadingParameters.h | |
► rigidbody | |
BodyIterators.h | |
BodyStorage.h | |
Box.cpp | |
Box.h | |
BoxFactory.cpp | |
BoxFactory.h | |
Capsule.cpp | |
Capsule.h | |
CapsuleFactory.cpp | |
CapsuleFactory.h | |
CylindricalBoundary.cpp | |
CylindricalBoundary.h | |
CylindricalBoundaryFactory.cpp | |
CylindricalBoundaryFactory.h | |
Ellipsoid.cpp | |
Ellipsoid.h | |
EllipsoidFactory.cpp | |
EllipsoidFactory.h | |
GeomPrimitive.cpp | Source file for the GeomPrimitive class |
GeomPrimitive.h | Header file for the GeomPrimitive class |
MPIRigidBodyTrait.h | |
Owner.h | |
Plane.cpp | |
Plane.h | |
PlaneFactory.cpp | |
PlaneFactory.h | |
RigidBody.cpp | |
RigidBody.h | |
RigidBodyCastIterator.h | |
RigidBodyIterator.h | |
SetBodyTypeIDs.h | |
Sphere.cpp | |
Sphere.h | |
SphereFactory.cpp | |
SphereFactory.h | |
Squirmer.cpp | |
Squirmer.h | |
SquirmerFactory.cpp | |
SquirmerFactory.h | |
StorageDataHandling.h | |
Union.h | |
UnionFactory.h | |
► statistics | |
BodyStatistics.cpp | |
BodyStatistics.h | |
► synchronization | |
ClearSynchronization.h | |
RemoveAndNotify.h | |
SyncForces.h | |
SyncNextNeighbors.h | |
SyncShadowOwners.h | |
► utility | |
BodyCast.h | |
DestroyBody.cpp | |
DestroyBody.h | |
Distance.h | |
GetBody.cpp | |
GetBody.h | |
GetInfo.cpp | |
GetInfo.h | |
Overlap.cpp | |
Overlap.h | |
► vtk | |
BodyVtkOutput.cpp | |
BodyVtkOutput.h | |
EllipsoidVtkOutput.cpp | |
EllipsoidVtkOutput.h | |
SphereVtkOutput.cpp | |
SphereVtkOutput.h | |
basic.h | Header file which includes common pe headers! |
BlockFunctions.h | |
Config.h | |
Materials.cpp | Source file for materials |
Materials.h | Header file for materials |
Thresholds.cpp | Numerical thresholds for the physics engine |
Thresholds.h | Numerical thresholds for the physics engine |
Types.h | |
► pe_coupling | |
► amr | |
► level_determination | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pe_coupling |
BodyPresenceLevelDetermination.cpp | |
BodyPresenceLevelDetermination.h | |
GlobalBodyPresenceLevelDetermination.cpp | |
GlobalBodyPresenceLevelDetermination.h | |
► weight_assignment | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pe_coupling |
MetisAssignmentFunctor.cpp | |
MetisAssignmentFunctor.h | |
WeightAssignmentFunctor.cpp | |
WeightAssignmentFunctor.h | |
WeightEvaluationFunctions.cpp | |
WeightEvaluationFunctions.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pe_coupling |
BlockInfo.h | |
InfoCollection.cpp | |
InfoCollection.h | |
► discrete_particle_methods | |
► correlations | |
AddedMassForceCorrelations.h | |
all.h | |
DragForceCorrelations.h | |
LiftForceCorrelations.h | |
► evaluators | |
AddedMassForceEvaluator.h | |
all.h | |
BodyVelocityTimeDerivativeEvaluator.h | |
EffectiveViscosityFieldEvaluator.h | |
InteractionForceEvaluator.h | |
LiftForceEvaluator.h | |
LubricationForceEvaluator.h | |
PressureFieldEvaluator.h | |
PressureGradientFieldEvaluator.h | |
SolidVolumeFractionFieldEvaluator.h | |
StressTensorGradientFieldEvaluator.h | |
VelocityCurlFieldEvaluator.h | |
VelocityFieldEvaluator.h | |
VelocityGradientFieldEvaluator.h | |
VelocityTotalTimeDerivativeFieldEvaluator.h | |
► gns_lbm | |
► utility | |
all.h | |
GNSExternalForceToForceFieldAdder.h | |
GNSPressureFieldEvaluator.h | |
GNSSmagorinskyLESField.h | |
GNSVelocityFieldEvaluator.h | |
all.h | |
GNSSweep.h | |
► utility | |
all.h | |
AveragedInteractionForceFieldToForceFieldAdder.h | |
BodyVelocityInitializer.h | |
CombinedReductionFieldCommunication.h | |
ExternalForceToForceFieldAdder.h | |
FieldDataSwapper.h | |
ForceFieldResetter.h | |
all.h | |
► geometry | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pe_coupling |
PeBodyOverlapFunctions.h | Implementation of BodyOverlapFunctions for the pe bodies |
PeIntersectionRatio.cpp | |
PeIntersectionRatio.h | Specialization of the intersectionRatio function for certain pe bodies |
PeOverlapFraction.h | |
SphereEquivalentDiameter.h | |
► mapping | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pe_coupling |
BodyBBMapping.cpp | |
BodyBBMapping.h | |
BodyMapping.h | |
► momentum_exchange_method | |
► boundary | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pe_coupling moving obstacle boundary handling |
CurvedLinear.h | |
CurvedQuadratic.h | |
SimpleBB.h | |
► destruction | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pe_coupling moving obstacle destruction |
Destroyer.h | |
► restoration | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pe_coupling moving obstacle restoration |
ExtrapolationDirectionFinder.cpp | |
ExtrapolationDirectionFinder.h | |
PDFReconstruction.h | |
Reconstructor.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pe_coupling |
BodyMapping.h | |
► partially_saturated_cells_method | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pe_coupling |
BodyAndVolumeFractionMapping.cpp | |
BodyAndVolumeFractionMapping.h | |
PSMSweep.h | |
PSMUtility.h | |
► utility | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pe_coupling |
BodiesForceTorqueContainer.cpp | |
BodiesForceTorqueContainer.h | |
BodySelectorFunctions.cpp | |
BodySelectorFunctions.h | |
ForceOnBodiesAdder.cpp | |
ForceOnBodiesAdder.h | |
ForceTorqueOnBodiesResetter.cpp | |
ForceTorqueOnBodiesResetter.h | |
ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler.cpp | |
ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler.h | |
LubricationCorrection.cpp | |
LubricationCorrection.h | |
TimeStep.cpp | |
TimeStep.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module pe_coupling |
► postprocessing | |
all.h | Collective header file for module postprocessing |
FieldToSurfaceMesh.cpp | |
FieldToSurfaceMesh.h | |
MarchingCubes.h | |
MarchingCubes.impl.h | |
► python_coupling | |
► export | |
BasicExport.cpp | |
BasicExport.h | |
BlockForestCommunicationExport.h | |
BlockForestCommunicationExport.impl.h | |
BlockForestExport.cpp | |
BlockForestExport.h | |
FieldCommunicationExport.h | |
FieldCommunicationExport.impl.h | |
FieldExport.impl.h | |
FieldExports.h | |
GatherExport.impl.h | |
GPUExport.h | |
GPUExport.impl.h | |
MPIExport.cpp | |
MPIExport.h | |
VTKExport.cpp | |
VTKExport.h | |
► helper | |
BlockStorageExportHelpers.cpp | |
BlockStorageExportHelpers.h | |
ConfigFromDict.cpp | |
ConfigFromDict.h | |
ModuleInit.cpp | |
ModuleInit.h | |
MplHelpers.h | |
OwningIterator.h | |
PybindHelper.h | |
PythonIterableToStdVector.h | |
SliceToCellInterval.h | |
CreateConfig.cpp | |
CreateConfig.h | Creates a walberla::Config object from a python script |
DictWrapper.h | Wrapper to store and extract values from pybind11 |
DictWrapper.impl.h | |
Manager.cpp | |
Manager.h | Singleton managing Python coupling |
PythonCallback.cpp | |
PythonCallback.h | |
PythonWrapper.h | |
► simd | |
AlignedAllocator.h | |
AVX.h | Wrapper functions around AVX intrinsics |
AVX2.h | |
IntelVecTypesCppOperators.h | C++ Operators for the Intel intrinsics vector types |
Scalar.h | Fallback to scalar operations |
SIMD.h | |
SSE2.h | |
SSE4.h | |
StreamOutput.h | |
► sqlite | |
SQLite.cpp | |
SQLite.h | |
► stencil | |
AABBQuadrant.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module stencil |
D2CornerStencil.h | |
D2Q4.h | |
D2Q5.h | |
D2Q9.h | |
D3CornerStencil.h | |
D3EdgeCornerStencil.h | |
D3Q15.h | |
D3Q19.h | |
D3Q27.h | |
D3Q6.h | |
D3Q7.h | |
Directions.h | Defines all stencil directions and their properties, and a general DxQy stencil class |
EdgeStencil.h | |
Iterator.h | |
Stencil.in.h | |
► timeloop | |
all.h | Collective header file for module timeloop |
ITimeloop.h | |
PerformanceMeter.cpp | |
PerformanceMeter.h | |
SelectableFunctionCreators.h | |
SweepTimeloop.h | Timeloop that runs a collection of sweeps |
SweepTimeloop.impl.h | |
Timeloop.h | Header file for Timeloop |
Timeloop.impl.h | |
► vtk | |
AABBCellFilter.h | |
all.h | Collective header file for module vtk |
Base64Writer.cpp | |
Base64Writer.h | |
BlockCellDataWriter.h | |
CellBBCellFilter.h | |
ChainedFilter.h | |
DumpBlockStructureLevel.h | |
DumpBlockStructureProcess.h | |
Initialization.cpp | |
Initialization.h | |
PointDataSource.h | |
PolylineDataSource.h | |
UtilityFunctions.h | |
VTKOutput.cpp | |
VTKOutput.h | |
VTKTrait.h | |
walberla.h | Collective header file for waLBerla |
waLBerlaDefinitions.in.h | Global Definitions configured by cmake ( edit only the *.in.h file! ) |
▼ utilities | |
► bashhelper | |
git-prompt.sh | |
source_me.sh | |
source_me_git.sh | |
► conda | |
► openmesh | |
build.sh | |
► walberla | |
build.sh | |
eclipse | |
► valgrind-supression | |
supression.sh | |