Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NstdSTL namespace
 Chash< walberla::Cell >
 Chash< walberla::Vector2< T > >
 Chash< walberla::Vector3< T > >
 Nwalberla\file TimestepTracker.h \ingroup lbm \author Frederik Hennig
 CAllSetA class for managing sets that supports the ability to define a set that represents all possible elements
 CArrayFixed size, dynamically allocated array
 CContainerStreamReaderRAII Object to read an STL container (e.g
 CEnvironmentRAII Object to initialize waLBerla using command line parameters
 CForceLoggerClass for calculating (and logging) the force exerted by the fluid on an obstacle inside the domain
 CFunctionTraitsGives a function's return type as well as the number and type of arguments accepted by a function
 CFunctionTraits< R(Args...) >
 CMPITrait< Matrix3< T > >
 CMPITrait< Vector2< T > >
 CMPITrait< Vector3< T > >
 CMyBoundaryHandlingFunctor that is used to add a boundary handling object to each block
 CNonCopyableEnsures that any derived class can not be copied
 CNonCreateableEnsures that any derived class can not be constructed (static member functions can still be called!)
 CRandomUUIDReplacement for boost::uuids::uuid and boost::uuids::random_generator
 CReattachmentLengthFinderClass for determining (and logging) the normalized reattachment length after the backward-facing step
 CSetWrapper class for managing sets that store elements of type T
 CShearFlowInitShear Flow Initialization Functor ///
 CSRTStreamLBGK/SRT algorithm of the lattice Boltzmann method extended by an additional, simple force term (by Luo)
 CUniqueIDGeneration of unique IDs in MPI environments
 CVectorTraitProvides information on how to serialize (=extract components) from a compound data type
 CVectorTrait< Matrix2< T > >
 CVectorTrait< Matrix3< T > >
 CVectorTrait< Quaternion< T > >
 CVectorTrait< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value >::type >
 CVectorTrait< Vector2< T > >
 CVectorTrait< Vector3< T > >
 CVelDensLoggerClass for determining (and logging) the minimum and maximum velocity as well as the minimum and maximum density