▼Nexprtk | |
Cexpression | |
Csymbol_table | |
▼NOpenMesh | |
►NPython | |
CMeshTraits | |
▼Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< walberla::Cell > | |
Chash< walberla::Vector2< T > > | |
Chash< walberla::Vector3< T > > | |
▼Nwalberla | \file TimestepTracker.h \ingroup lbm \author Frederik Hennig frede.nosp@m.rik..nosp@m.henni.nosp@m.g@fa.nosp@m.u.de |
►Nblockforest | |
►Ncommunication | |
CNonUniformBufferedScheme | |
CNonUniformPackInfo | |
CUniformBufferedScheme | Communication scheme for buffered communication in uniform block grids |
►CUniformDirectScheme | Communication for a single field using MPI datatypes ( no intermediate buffers ) |
CCommInfo | |
CUniformToNonUniformPackInfoAdapter | Adapter to use a UniformPackInfo in a NonUniformBufferedScheme |
►Ninternal | |
CBlockDataHandlingAdder | |
CBlockDataHandlingHelper | |
CBlockDataHandlingWrapper | |
CBlockIDSorter | |
CBlockIDSorter< PhantomData_T, Value_T, false > | |
CNode | |
CUniformBufferedSchemeCreator | |
CUniformBufferedSchemeExporter | |
CUniformBufferedSchemeWrapper | Purpose of this class could also be solved by adding return_internal_reference to "createUniformDirectScheme" however this is not easily possible since it returns not a reference but an py::object |
CUniformDirectSchemeCreator | |
CUniformDirectSchemeExporter | |
CUniformDirectSchemeWrapper | |
CAABBRefinementSelection | |
CAlwaysCreateBlockDataHandling | |
CAlwaysInitializeBlockDataHandling | |
►CBlock | |
CNeighborBlock | |
CBlockDataHandling | |
►CBlockForest | |
►CBlockInformation | |
CNode | |
CRefreshCallbackWrappper | |
CRefreshFunctor | |
CSnapshotCreationFunctor | |
►CBlockForestEvaluation | |
CBlockStatistics | |
CBlockID | |
CBlockInfo | |
►CBlockReconstruction | |
CAABBReconstruction | |
CNeighborhoodReconstruction | |
CNeighborhoodReconstructionBlock | |
CNeighborhoodSectionReconstruction | |
CBlockSorter | |
CCartesianDistribution | |
CCombinedMinTargetLevelDeterminationFunctions | |
CDirectionBasedReduceScheme | Communication Scheme class for ghost layer based communication with the direction neighbors |
CDynamicCurveBalance | This class implements Hilber and Morton space filling curves for load balancing |
CDynamicDiffusionBalance | This class implements a diffusive algorithm for load balancing |
CDynamicParMetis | |
CDynamicParMetisBlockInfo | |
CDynamicParMetisBlockInfoPackUnpack | |
CFixedRefinementLevelSelector | |
►CGlobalLoadBalancing | |
CMetisConfiguration | |
CMetisAssignmentFunctor | Assignment functor for ParMetis based load balancing |
CMinMaxLevelDetermination | |
CMinTargetLevelDeterminationFunctions | |
CNoPhantomData | |
►CPhantomBlock | |
CNeighborBlock | |
CPhantomBlockForest | |
CPODPhantomWeight | |
CPODPhantomWeightPackUnpack | |
CRefinementSelectionFunctions | |
CSetSorter | |
CSetupBlock | |
►CSetupBlockForest | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CRootBlockAABB | |
CSimpleCommunication | |
CStaticLevelwiseCurveBalance | |
CStaticLevelwiseCurveBalanceWeighted | |
CStaticLevelwiseParMetis | |
►CStructuredBlockForest | |
CCellBoundingBoxHandling | |
CUpdateSecondGhostLayer | |
CWeightAssignmentFunctor | General assignment functor for load balancing |
►Nboundary | |
CBHCUIDGenerator | |
CBHUIDGenerator | |
CBoundary | Base class for all boundary classes |
CBoundaryConfiguration | Base class for all boundary configuration parameters |
►CBoundaryHandling | |
CBlockSweep | |
►CBoundaryHandlingCollection | |
CBlockSweep | |
CBUIDGenerator | |
CHandlingPackInfo | |
CisThreadSafe | |
CisThreadSafe< Boundary_T, typename std::enable_if< Boundary_T::threadsafe >::type > | |
►Ncell | |
CCell | A representation of a Cell's coordinates (in 3D) |
CCellArray | An array of cells |
CCellInterval | |
CCellIntervalIterator | |
CCellSet | A set of cells |
CCellVector | A vector of cells |
►Ncommunication | |
CReducePackInfo | Data packing/unpacking for reduce operations This class can be used, when multiple data sets from different senders should be reduced at the receiver |
CUniformMPIDatatypeInfo | Interface for direction MPI datatype based communication using blockforest::UniformDirectScheme |
CUniformPackInfo | UniformPackInfo encapsulates information on how to extract data from blocks, that should be communicated (see packData() ) to neighboring blocks and how to inject this data in a receiving block (see unpackData() ) |
►Nconfig | |
CCaseInsensitiveCompare | |
►CConfig | Configuration handler & parameter file parser |
CBlock | Parameter block |
CBlockHandle | Handle for a Block object |
CParameter | |
CConfigGenerator | |
CIterator | |
CMultipleConfigGenerator | |
CSingleConfigGenerator | |
►Ncore | |
►Ndebug | |
►Nnotstd | |
Cleft_shift | |
Cright_shift | |
Cop_valid_impl | The implementation is directly taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/39348287 |
►Ndomain_decomposition | |
►Ninternal | |
►CBlockData | Wrapper class for any kind of block data (used only internally, never to be seen in the interface of public member functions) see: http://www.drdobbs.com/cpp/twisting-the-rtti-system-for-safe-dynami/229401004# |
CData | |
CDataBase | |
CBlockDataHandlingAdder | |
CBlockDataHandlingFunctionAdaptor | |
CBlockDataHandlingHelper | |
CBlockDataHandlingWrapper | |
CBlockDataItem | |
CSharedSweep | |
CAlwaysInitializeBlockDataHandling | |
CBlockCounter | Class/functor for counting the blocks stored in parallel on all processes in a structured block storage |
CBlockDataCreator | |
CBlockDataHandling | |
CBlockDataID | |
►CBlockStorage | Base class for block storage data structures (the entire simulation space is partitioned into blocks [see class 'IBlock'], and block storage data structures manage these blocks) |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CBlockSweepWrapper | Takes an existing block 'sweep' functor and wrapps it into a void-void functor |
CConstBlockDataID | |
CIBlock | Base class for blocks (blocks are used to partition the simulation space: blocks are rectangular parts of the simulation space that manage all the data that is assigned to their part of the simulation space) |
CIBlockID | Interface/base class for block IDs (unique identifiers for blocks) |
CStructuredBlockDataCreator | |
►CStructuredBlockStorage | Base class for structured block storages (the entire simulation space is partitioned into blocks [see class 'IBlock'], the blocks are partitioned into cells, and structured block storages manage those blocks) |
CCellBoundingBoxHandling | |
CStructuredBlockDataAdder | Helper class for adding multiple block data initialization functions |
►Nexecutiontree | |
►Ninternal | |
CCaller | |
CCaller< shared_ptr< T > > | |
CEveryNth | |
CFunctor | |
CIFunctionNode | |
CLoggingStamp | |
CLoggingStampManager | |
CLoop | |
CSequence | |
CSharedFunctor | |
CSharedSweep | |
CSweep | |
►Nfft | |
CFourierTransform | |
►Nfield | |
►Ncommunication | |
CPackInfo | Data packing/unpacking for ghost layer based communication of a single walberla::field::Field |
CReducePackInfo | Data packing/unpacking for reduce operations This class can be used, when multiple data sets from different senders should be reduced at the receiver |
CStencilRestrictedMPIDatatypeInfo | |
CStencilRestrictedPackInfo | PackInfo that packs only the components that point to the neighbor |
CUniformMPIDatatypeInfo | |
CUniformPullReductionPackInfo | Data packing/unpacking for ghost layer based communication of a single walberla::field::Field |
►Ninternal | |
CAccuracyEvaluationPlotData | |
CAccuracyEvaluationPlotDataSorter | |
CAddToStorage | |
CAddToStorage< GhostLayerField_T, BlockStorage_T, typename std::enable_if<(std::is_integral< typename GhostLayerField_T::value_type >::value||std::is_floating_point< typename GhostLayerField_T::value_type >::value) &&! std::is_same< GhostLayerField_T, FlagField< typename GhostLayerField_T::value_type > >::value >::type > | |
CAddToStorageExporter | |
CCreateBinarizationVTKWriterExporter | |
CCreateFieldExporter | |
CCreateVTKWriterExporter | |
CFieldAllocatorExporter | |
CFieldExporter | |
CFieldWriter | |
CGatherExporter | |
CGhostLayerFieldDataHandling | |
CPythonFormatString | |
CPythonFormatString< double > | |
CPythonFormatString< float > | |
CPythonFormatString< int > | |
CPythonFormatString< int16_t > | |
CPythonFormatString< int8_t > | |
CPythonFormatString< long > | |
CPythonFormatString< long long > | |
CPythonFormatString< uint8_t > | |
CPythonFormatString< unsigned int > | |
CPythonFormatString< unsigned long > | |
CPythonFormatString< unsigned long long > | |
CPythonFormatString< unsigned short > | |
►Nrefinement | |
CPackInfo | |
CAccuracyEvaluation | Class for evaluating the accuracy of a simulation |
CAccuracyEvaluationLinePlot | Class for plotting simulation (and solution) values along a line through the domain |
CAccuracyEvaluationLinePlotter | Class for plotting simulation (and solution) values along a line through the domain |
CAdaptorHandling | |
CAdaptorIterator | Iterator class for Adaptors |
CAllocateAligned | Aligned Allocation strategy for Fields |
CAlwaysInitializeBlockDataHandling | |
CBinarizationFieldWriter | |
►CBlockDataHandling | |
CMerge | |
CMerge< Vector2< T > > | |
CMerge< Vector3< T > > | |
CCellCounter | Class/functor for counting cells of a specific type that are stored in parallel on all processes in a structured block storage |
CCloneBlockDataHandling | |
CComponentExtractionAdaptor | |
CComponentExtractionFunction | |
CCreator | BlockDataCreator for fields |
CCreator< FlagField< T > > | |
CCreator< GhostLayerField_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< typename GhostLayerField_T::value_type >::value||std::is_floating_point< typename GhostLayerField_T::value_type >::value >::type > | |
CDefaultBlockDataHandling | |
CDefaultEvaluationFilter | |
CDistributorHandling | DistributorCreators |
CField | A four dimensional field/lattice |
CFieldAllocator | Allocation Strategy base class for fields |
CFieldAllocatorBase | |
CFieldClone | Helper class for the common scenario where a 'scratch field' is needed |
CFieldIterator | Iterator over a 4D array, stored linearized in memory |
CFieldNeighborPointer | Class representing one Field coordinate with access only to neighbor values |
CFieldPointer | Class representing on Field coordinate |
►CFlagField | GhostLayerField that stores bit masks |
CRegistrationData | |
CFlagFieldCellFilter | |
CFlagFieldEvaluationFilter | |
CFlagFieldMapping | |
CFlattenedShallowCopyBlockDataHandling | |
CForwardFieldIterator | |
CGhostLayerField | Extends the Field with ghost-layer information |
CGhostLayerFieldAdaptor | Adaptor for walberla::field::GhostLayerField |
CGradientRefinement | |
CInterpolatorHandling | FieldInterpolatorCreators |
CKernelDistributor | Distributor for walberla::field::GhostLayerField with kernel strategy |
CKernelFieldInterpolator | Interpolator for walberla::field::GhostLayerField with kernel strategy |
CMassEvaluation | Class for evaluating the evolution of the mass of a simulation |
CNearestNeighborDistributor | Distributor for walberla::field::Field with nearest neighbor strategy |
CNearestNeighborFieldInterpolator | Interpolator for walberla::field::Field with nearest neighbor strategy |
CNearestNeighborInterpolator | Nearest Neighbor interpolation for GhostLayerFields |
CQCriterionCellFilter | |
CReverseFieldIterator | |
►CStabilityChecker | Class/functor for checking a running simulation for non-finite values in a specific field |
CFValueVTKWriter | For each value of a cell, either '0' or '1' is stored in the VTK file |
CGlobalCoordVTKWriter | For each cell, the corresponding global cell coordinates are stored in the VTK file |
CLocalCoordVTKWriter | For each cell, the corresponding block local cell coordinates are stored in the VTK file |
CVTKCellFilter | This cell filter selects only those cells in which at least one non-finite value (= infinite or NaN) was detected |
CStdFieldAlloc | Allocator without alignment using new and delete[] |
CSwapableCompare | A comparison functor based on field size / field layout |
CTrilinearFieldInterpolator | Interpolator for walberla::field::GhostLayerField with trilinear strategy |
CTrilinearInterpolator | Trilinear interpolation for GhostLayerFields |
CVectorFieldAccessor | Provides an abstraction between Field<real_t,3> and Field<Vector3<real_t>, 1 > |
CVectorFieldAccessor< VectorField_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename VectorField_T::value_type, Vector3< real_t > >::value >::type > | |
CVelocityCellFilter | |
CVolumetricFlowRateEvaluation | Class for evaluating the volumetric flow rate of a simulation |
CVTKWriter | |
►Nfree_surface | |
►Nbubble_model | |
CBubble | |
CBubbleDistanceAdaptionFunction | |
CBubbleIDFieldPackInfo | |
►CBubbleModel | |
CBubbleInfo | |
CSplitHint | |
CBubbleModelBase | |
CBubbleModelConstantPressure | |
CCommunicatedNewBubbles | |
CDisjoiningPressureBubbleModel | |
CDistanceInfo | |
CFloodFillInterface | |
CFloodFillUsingFillLevel | |
CFloodFillUsingFlagField | |
CMergeInformation | |
CNewBubbleCommunication | |
CRegionalFloodFill | |
►Ncurvature_model | |
CemptySweep | |
CFiniteDifferenceMethod | |
CLocalTriangulation | |
CSimpleFiniteDifferenceMethod | |
►Ninternal | |
CBoundaryBlockDataHandling | |
CAverageRefillingSweep | |
CBlockStateDetectorSweep | |
CCellConversionSweep | |
CContactAngle | |
CConversionFlagsResetSweep | |
CCurvatureSweepFiniteDifferences | |
CCurvatureSweepLocalTriangulation | |
CCurvatureSweepSimpleFiniteDifferences | |
CDetectWettingSweep | |
CEquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumRefillingSweep | |
CEquilibriumRefillingSweep | |
CExcessMassDistributionModel | |
CExcessMassDistributionSweepBase | |
CExcessMassDistributionSweepInterfaceAndLiquid | |
CExcessMassDistributionSweepInterfaceEvenly | |
CExcessMassDistributionSweepInterfaceWeighted | |
CExtrapolateNormalsSweep | |
CExtrapolationRefillingSweep | |
CExtrapolationRefillingSweepBase | |
CFlagInfo | |
CForceDensityCodegenSweep | |
CForceDensitySweep | |
►CFreeSurfaceBoundaryHandling | |
CExecuteBoundaryHandling | |
CGradsMomentsRefillingSweep | |
CKernelK8 | |
►CLoadBalancer | |
CPhantomWeight | |
CMaxVelocityComputer | |
CNormalSweep | |
CObstacleFillLevelSweep | |
CObstacleNormalSweep | |
CPdfReconstructionModel | |
CPdfRefillingModel | |
CProcessLoadEvaluator | |
CRefillingSweepBase | |
CSimplePressureWithFreeSurface | |
CSmoothingSweep | |
CStreamReconstructAdvectSweep | |
CSurfaceDynamicsHandler | |
CSurfaceGeometryHandler | |
CSurfaceMeshWriter | |
CTotalMassComputer | |
►Ngather | |
►CCellGatherPackInfo | Packs data in cells given by a CellContainter ( CellInterval, CellVector..) |
CCompare | Helper class for sorting the receivedData array according to t-value |
CSamples | |
►CCurveGatherPackInfo | Packs data of a field along a curve |
CCompare | Helper class for sorting the receivedData array according to t-value |
CSamples | |
CDataProcessor | Interface for classes that operate on "Graph" like data Can be implemented in classes that do output (print a GnuPlot file) or for post-processing classes (calculation of mean value, std deviation..) |
CFileGatherScheme | Collects / Gathers data from multiple blocks to a single block, using temporary files |
CGatherPackInfo | Interface for packing & unpacking of data to be gathered |
CGnuPlotGraphWriter | |
CMPIGatherScheme | Collects / Gathers data from multiple blocks to a single process |
►Ngeometry | |
►Ncontainment_octree | |
CBranchNode | |
CIndeterminateLeafNode | |
CInsideLeafNode | |
CLeafNode | |
CNode | |
COutsideLeafNode | |
►Ninitializer | |
CBoundaryFromBody | Initializes a boundary handler using a Body (works for both boundary handlings and boundary handling collections) |
CBoundaryFromCellInterval | Initializes a boundary handler using a CellInterval (works for both boundary handlings and boundary handling collections) |
CBoundaryFromDomainBorder | Sets a boundary condition at a certain border of the domain (borders are specified by directions) |
CBoundaryFromImage | Sets boundary conditions according to a gray scale image |
CBoundaryFromVoxelFile | Sets boundary conditions using information obtained from a voxel file |
CBoundarySetter | |
CBoundarySetter< FlagField< Flag_T > > | |
CIBlockIDPtrCompare | |
CInitializationManager | Manages domain initialization from configuration file |
CInitializer | Abstract base class for all Initializers |
CInitializerUIDGenerator | |
COverlapFieldFromBody | Initializes a scalar field from a geometric body |
CScalarFieldFromBody | Initializes a scalar field from a geometric body |
CScalarFieldFromCellInterval | Initializes a scalar field using a CellInterval |
CScalarFieldFromGrayScaleImage | Initializes a scalar field, using the pixel values from a gray scale image The real_t field is initialized with values between 0 and 1 |
CAbstractBody | |
CBasicVoxelFileReader | Provides a low level reader for waLBerla geometry files |
CBinaryRawFile | |
CBinaryRawFileInterpolator | |
CBodyLogicalAND | |
CBodyLogicalNOT | |
CBodyLogicalOperationBinary | Class representing a union, difference, etc |
CBodyLogicalOR | |
CBodyLogicalXOR | |
CCellAABB | Helper class to provide a cell based axis-aligned bounding box |
CContainmentOctree | |
CCylinder | Class representing a Cylinder |
CDynamicBody | |
CEllipsoid | Class representing an Ellipsoid in 3D |
CGrayScaleImage | A gray scale image |
CLessThan | Helper class, used in TriangleMesh::removeDuplicateVertices |
►CRGBAImage | A gray scale image |
Cpixel_t | |
CRGBAColor | |
CSphere | Class representing a Sphere |
CTorus | Class representing a Torus |
CTriangleMesh | Class for storing a triangle mesh |
CTriangleMeshNode | Used only internally in function "TriangleMesh::split( vector<TriangleMesh>& meshes )" |
CVoxelFileReader | Provides a reader for waLBerla geometry files |
►Ngpu | |
►Ncommunication | |
CCustomMemoryBuffer | Simple buffer class that supports memory allocators, e.g |
CDeviceMemoryAllocator | |
CGPUPackInfo | Data packing/unpacking for ghost layer based communication of a gpu::GPUField |
CHostMemoryAllocator | |
CMemcpyPackInfo | |
►CNonUniformGPUScheme | |
CHeader | |
►CUniformGPUScheme | |
CHeader | |
►Ninternal | |
CAddToStorageExporter | |
CcopyFieldToGpuDispatchExporter | |
CGpuFieldExporter | |
CPackInfoExporter | |
CUniformMPIDatatypeInfoExporter | |
CEventRAII | |
CFieldAccessor | |
CFieldAccessor3D | |
CFieldAccessorXYZ | |
CFieldIndexing | |
CFieldIndexing3D | |
CFieldIndexing3DBase | |
CFieldIndexingXYZ | |
CGeneratedGPUPackInfo | |
CGeneratedNonUniformGPUPackInfo | |
CGPUField | GhostLayerField stored on a CUDA/HIP GPU |
CGPUSweepBase | |
CHostFieldAllocator | Allocator that allocates a CPU! field using gpuHostAlloc without padding |
CKernel | Wrapper class around a GPU kernel, to call kernels also from code not compiled with the device compiler |
CNvtxRange | |
CParallelSection | |
CParallelStreams | Helper class to run CUDA/HIP operations on parallel streams |
CStreamRAII | |
►Ngrid_generator | |
CHCPGrid | Convenience class to enable range based for loops over grid points |
CHCPIterator | Helper class to generate points in a hexagonal close packing structure within a certain domain |
CSCGrid | Convenience class to enable range based for loops over grid points |
CSCIterator | Helper class to generate points in a simple cubic structure within a certain domain |
►Ngui | |
►CBlockDisplayObject | BlockDisplayObject renders one Block as a Cube |
CSlice | |
CBlockSliceView | View to display a slice of a field ( which is stored inside a block) |
CBlockTreeView | |
CBlockView3D | |
CBlockViewText | |
CCellView | Class for drawing a single cell of a grid slice |
CComboBoxItem | Helper class for inserting a combobox into a QListWidget |
CDisplayAdaptor | Abstract base class for display adaptors |
CDisplayPropertiesItem | Represents on line in a QTreeWidget |
CFieldDisplayAdaptor | Abstract class, for displaying fields |
CFlagFieldDisplayAdaptor | Displays a slice of a flag field |
CGUI | |
CISliceChangeListener | |
CMainWindow | The main window of the GUI |
CPropertyTree | Interface for providing Key-Value pairs for Qt Tree/List Views |
CQStandardItem | |
CQStandardItemModel | |
CScalarField3DisplayAdaptor | Class for drawing slices of vector fields |
CScalarFieldDisplayAdaptor | Class for drawing a slice of a scalar field |
CVectorFieldDisplayAdaptor | Class for drawing slices of vector fields |
CVPtr | |
►Nlbm | |
►Ncollision_model | |
CCumulant_tag | |
CD3Q19MRT | Implementation of LB collision model MRT [9] |
CD3Q27Cumulant | Implementation of Cumulant LB collision operator [11] |
CMRT_tag | |
CSRT | Implementation of LB collision model SRT [7] |
CSRT_tag | |
CSRTField | |
CTRT | Implementation of LB collision model TRT [13] |
CTRT_tag | |
►Nevaluations | |
CPermeability | |
►Nforce_model | |
CCorrection | [20] |
CCorrection_tag | |
CEDM_tag | |
►CEDMField | [17], [18] |
CDirectionIndependentTerm | |
CDirectionIndependentTerm< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::compressible >::type > | |
CShiftedVelocity | |
CShiftedVelocity< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::compressible >::type > | |
CGuo_tag | |
CGuoConstant | For the incompressible LBM, in lattice units, the body force is equal to the acceleration, since bodyForceDensity_lattice = density_lattice * acceleration_lattice and density_lattice is implicitly set to 1 |
CGuoField | |
CLuo_tag | |
CLuoConstant | For the incompressible LBM, in lattice units, the body force is equal to the acceleration, since bodyForceDensity_lattice = density_lattice * acceleration_lattice and density_lattice is implicitly set to 1 |
CLuoField | |
CNoDirectionIndependentTerms | Used as return type if there are no common, direction-independent terms for the force density term |
CNone | |
CNone_tag | |
CSimple_tag | |
CSimpleConstant | For the incompressible LBM, in lattice units, the body force density is equal to the acceleration, since bodyForceDensity_lattice = density_lattice * acceleration_lattice and density_lattice is implicitly set to 1 |
►Ninitializer | |
CExprSystemInitFunction | |
CPdfFieldInitializer | |
CPoiseuille | Initializes the complete domain with a Poiseuille (Channel) Flow |
►Ninternal | |
CAdaptVelocityToForce | |
CAdaptVelocityToForce< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel >::type > | |
CAdaptVelocityToForce< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel >::type > | |
CAdaptVelocityToForce< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel >::type > | |
CAdaptVelocityToForce< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::compressible &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel >::type > | |
CAdaptVelocityToForce< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel >::type > | |
CEquilibriumForceCorrection | |
CEquilibriumForceCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftEquVel >::type > | |
CEquilibriumForceCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftEquVel >::type > | |
CEquilibriumForceCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftEquVel >::type > | |
CMacroscopicForceCorrection | |
CMacroscopicForceCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel >::type > | |
CMacroscopicForceCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel >::type > | |
CMacroscopicForceCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel >::type > | |
CPdfFieldHandling | |
CShearRelaxationParameter | |
CShearRelaxationParameter< CollisionModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename CollisionModel_T::tag, collision_model::Cumulant_tag >::value >::type > | |
CShearRelaxationParameter< CollisionModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename CollisionModel_T::tag, collision_model::MRT_tag >::value >::type > | |
CShearRelaxationParameter< CollisionModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename CollisionModel_T::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value >::type > | |
CShearRelaxationParameter< CollisionModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename CollisionModel_T::tag, collision_model::TRT_tag >::value >::type > | |
CVelocityCallbackCorrection | |
CVelocityCallbackCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftEquVel &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel >::type > | |
CVelocityCallbackCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftEquVel >::type > | |
CVelocityCallbackCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftEquVel &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel >::type > | |
CVelocityCallbackCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftEquVel >::type > | |
CVelocityCallbackCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftEquVel >::type > | |
CVelocityCallbackCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::compressible &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftEquVel &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel >::type > | |
CVelocityCallbackCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::compressible &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftEquVel >::type > | |
CVelocityCallbackCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftEquVel &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel >::type > | |
CVelocityCallbackCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel &&! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftEquVel >::type > | |
CVelocityCallbackCorrection< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftMacVel &&LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::shiftEquVel >::type > | |
CVelocityFieldWriterHelper | |
CVelocityFieldWriterHelper< PdfField_T, VelocityField_T, Vector3< real_t > > | |
►Nrefinement | |
►Ninternal | |
CEdgeCornerStencil | |
CEdgeCornerStencil< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::Stencil::D==2 >::type > | |
CEdgeCornerStencil< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::Stencil::D==3 >::type > | |
CCurlBasedLevelDetermination | Level determination for refinement check based on local curl |
CEqualLevelBorderStreamCorrection | |
CFunctorWrapper | |
CLinearExplosion | |
CPdfFieldPackInfo | |
CPdfFieldSyncPackInfo | |
CSweepAsFunctorWrapper | |
►CTimeStep | |
CBlockFunctionWrappper | |
CSharedBlockFunctor | |
CSharedVoidFunctor | |
CVoidFunctionWrappper | |
CTimeStepPdfPackInfo | |
CVorticityBasedLevelDetermination | Level determination for refinement check based on (scaled) vorticity values |
CActiveCellSweep | |
CAdaptor | |
CAdvectionDiffusionCellOperation | |
CAdvectionDiffusionCellOperation< LM_AdvDiff, LM_Hydro, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::constant &&LM_AdvDiff::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::ForceModel::tag, force_model::Correction_tag >::value >::type > | |
CAdvectionDiffusionCellOperation< LM_AdvDiff, LM_Hydro, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::constant &&LM_AdvDiff::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CAdvectionDiffusionDensityEquilibriumVelocityCalculation | |
CAdvectionDiffusionSweep | |
CAdvectionDiffusionSweep< LM_AdvDiff, VelocityAdapter_T, FlagField_T, VectorField_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&! LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::constant &&LM_AdvDiff::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value &&!(std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&LM_AdvDiff::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==1) >::type > | |
CAdvectionDiffusionSweep< LM_AdvDiff, VelocityAdapter_T, FlagField_T, VectorField_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&! LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::constant &&std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value &&std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&LM_AdvDiff::compressible &&LM_AdvDiff::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==1 >::type > | |
CAdvectionDiffusionSweep< LM_AdvDiff, VelocityAdapter_T, FlagField_T, VectorField_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::constant &&LM_AdvDiff::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::ForceModel::tag, force_model::Correction_tag >::value &&!(std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&LM_AdvDiff::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==1) >::type > | |
CAdvectionDiffusionSweep< LM_AdvDiff, VelocityAdapter_T, FlagField_T, VectorField_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::constant &&LM_AdvDiff::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value &&!(std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&LM_AdvDiff::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==1) >::type > | |
CAdvectionDiffusionSweep< LM_AdvDiff, VelocityAdapter_T, FlagField_T, VectorField_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::constant &&std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::ForceModel::tag, force_model::Correction_tag >::value &&std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&LM_AdvDiff::compressible &&LM_AdvDiff::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==1 >::type > | |
CAdvectionDiffusionSweep< LM_AdvDiff, VelocityAdapter_T, FlagField_T, VectorField_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&LM_AdvDiff::CollisionModel::constant &&std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value &&std::is_same< typename LM_AdvDiff::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&LM_AdvDiff::compressible &&LM_AdvDiff::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==1 >::type > | |
CBlockForestEvaluation | |
►CBlockForestEvaluationBase | Class for evaluating the BlockForest data structure of an LBM simulation |
CBlockStatistics | |
CCellwiseSweep | Class for performing the streaming and collision step of the LBM |
CCollideSweep | |
CCombinedInPlaceCpuPackInfo | |
CCombinedInPlaceGpuPackInfo | |
CCurlMagnitudeVTKWriter | LengthScaleWeight is only used to be able to derive quantities for the adaptive mesh refinement criterium of curl |
►CCurved | |
CConfiguration | |
CD2Q9 | |
CD3Q15 | |
CD3Q19 | |
CD3Q19BoundaryCollection | |
CD3Q19SRT | |
►CD3Q19StorageSpecification | |
CPackKernels | |
CD3Q27 | |
CD3Q27BoundaryCollection | |
CD3Q27SRT | |
►CD3Q27StorageSpecification | |
CPackKernels | |
CDefaultBoundaryHandlingCollectionFactory | |
CDefaultBoundaryHandlingFactory | Creates a default boundary handling for LBM simulations |
CDefaultCellOperation | |
CDefaultCellOperation< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::constant &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::Guo_tag >::value >::type > | |
CDefaultCellOperation< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::constant &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CDefaultCellOperation< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::constant &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&LatticeModel_T::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CDefaultCellOperation< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::constant &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CDefaultCellOperation< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::TRT_tag >::value &&! std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CDefaultCellOperation< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::TRT_tag >::value &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CDefaultCellOperation< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::TRT_tag >::value &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&LatticeModel_T::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CDefaultDensityEquilibriumVelocityCalculation | |
CDefaultDensityVelocityCallback | |
CDefaultDiffusionBoundaryHandlingFactory | |
CDensity | |
CDensity< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::compressible >::type > | |
CDensity< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::compressible >::type > | |
CDensityAdaptionFunction | |
CDensityAndMomentumDensity | |
CDensityAndMomentumDensity< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value >::type > | |
CDensityAndMomentumDensity< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value >::type > | |
CDensityAndVelocity | |
CDensityAndVelocityRange | |
CDensityAndVelocityRange< LatticeModel_T, FieldIteratorXYZ, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant >::type > | |
CDensityAndVelocityRange< LatticeModel_T, FieldIteratorXYZ, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::constant >::type > | |
CDensityCallback | |
CDensitySIVTKWriter | |
CDensityVelocityCallback | |
CDensityVTKWriter | |
►CDiffusionDirichlet | |
CScalarConfiguration | |
CSingleScalarConfiguration | |
CDynamicUBB | |
CEquilibrium | |
CEquilibrium< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==1 >::type > | |
CEquilibrium< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==2 >::type > | |
CEquilibrium< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==2 >::type > | |
CEquilibrium< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==1 >::type > | |
CEquilibrium< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==2 >::type > | |
CEquilibrium< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==2 >::type > | |
CEquilibriumDistribution | |
CEquilibriumDistribution< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==1 >::type > | |
CEquilibriumDistribution< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==2 >::type > | |
CEquilibriumDistribution< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==1 >::type > | |
CEquilibriumDistribution< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==2 >::type > | |
CEquilibriumRange | |
CEquilibriumRange< LatticeModel_T, FieldIteratorXYZ, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==1 >::type > | |
CEquilibriumRange< LatticeModel_T, FieldIteratorXYZ, typename std::enable_if< ! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==2 >::type > | |
CEquilibriumRange< LatticeModel_T, FieldIteratorXYZ, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==1 >::type > | |
CEquilibriumRange< LatticeModel_T, FieldIteratorXYZ, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::compressible &&LatticeModel_T::equilibriumAccuracyOrder==2 >::type > | |
CExtendedBoundaryHandlingFactory | Creates a default boundary handling for LBM simulations |
►CFixedDensityD3Q19 | |
CIndexInfo | |
CIndexVectors | |
►CFixedDensityD3Q27 | |
CIndexInfo | |
CIndexVectors | |
CFlagFieldSweepBase | |
CFreeDiffusion | |
CFreeSlip | |
►CFreeSlipD3Q19 | |
CIndexInfo | |
CIndexVectors | |
►CFreeSlipD3Q27 | |
CIndexInfo | |
CIndexVectors | |
CLatticeModelBase | Base class that is supposed (but not required) to be used for defining specific lattice models |
CMarkerData | |
CMarkerFieldGenerator | |
CMomentumDensity | |
CMomentumDensity< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value >::type > | |
CMomentumDensity< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value >::type > | |
CMomentumDensityAdaptionFunction | |
CMomentumDensityVectorAdaptionFunction | |
CNeighborsStencil | |
CNeighborsStencil< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::Stencil::D==2 >::type > | |
CNeighborsStencil< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< LatticeModel_T::Stencil::D==3 >::type > | |
CNoDiffusion | |
CNonEqulibriumVTKWriter | |
CNoSlip | |
►CNoSlipD3Q19 | |
CIndexInfo | |
CIndexVectors | |
►CNoSlipD3Q27 | |
CIndexInfo | |
CIndexVectors | |
►COutflowD3Q19 | |
CIndexInfo | |
CIndexVectors | |
►COutflowD3Q27 | |
CIndexInfo | |
CIndexVectors | |
COutlet | |
►CParserUBB | |
CParser | |
CVelocity | |
CPdfField | Specialized field class for PDF fields (fields containing multiple particle distribution functions per cell) |
CPdfFieldCreator | |
CPdfFieldDisplayAdaptor | Class for drawing a slice of a D3Q19 PDF field |
CPerformanceEvaluation | Class for evaluating the performance of LBM simulations using fields |
CPerformanceEvaluationBase | Class for evaluating the performance of LBM simulations |
CPerformanceLogger | Class for using the PerformanceEvaluation in a timeloop |
CPostProcessing | |
►CPressure | |
CLatticeDensity | |
CPressureTensor | |
CPressureTensorVTKWriter | |
CQCriterion | |
CQCriterionFieldWriter | |
CQCriterionVTKWriter | |
CShearRate | |
CShearRateAdaptionFunction | |
►CSimpleDiffusionDirichlet | |
CScalarConfiguration | |
CSimplePAB | |
CSimplePressure | |
CSimpleUBB | |
CSimpleVelocityBoundary | |
CSmagorinskyLES | Can be used together with the collision model "SRTField" |
CSparsePdfFieldPackInfo | Optimized PackInfo for sparse PDF fields |
CSplitPureSweep | |
CSplitPureSweep< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::constant &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CSplitPureSweep< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::constant &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&LatticeModel_T::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CSplitPureSweep< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::TRT_tag >::value &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CSplitPureSweep< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::TRT_tag >::value &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&LatticeModel_T::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CSplitSweep | |
CSplitSweep< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::constant &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CSplitSweep< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::SRT_tag >::value &&LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::constant &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&LatticeModel_T::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CSplitSweep< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::TRT_tag >::value &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&! LatticeModel_T::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CSplitSweep< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::CollisionModel::tag, collision_model::TRT_tag >::value &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value &&LatticeModel_T::compressible &&std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::ForceModel::tag, force_model::None_tag >::value >::type > | |
CStream | |
CStream< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T, typename std::enable_if< ! std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value >::type > | |
CStream< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value >::type > | |
CStreamEverything | |
CStreamEverything< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< ! std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value >::type > | |
CStreamEverything< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value >::type > | |
CStreamPull | |
CStreamPull< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D2Q9 >::value >::type > | |
CStreamPull< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value >::type > | |
CStreamPull< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q27 >::value >::type > | |
CStreamPullEverything | |
CStreamPullEverything< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D2Q9 >::value >::type > | |
CStreamPullEverything< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19 >::value >::type > | |
CStreamPullEverything< LatticeModel_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q27 >::value >::type > | |
CStreamSweep | |
CSweepBase | |
CTimestepTracker | |
CTimeTracker | Keeps track of the simulation time (One step on the coarsest level counts as '1', one step on the next finer level counts as '0.5', one step on the next level as '0.25' etc.) |
►CUBB | |
CVelocity | |
►CUBBD3Q19 | |
CIndexInfo | |
CIndexVectors | |
►CUBBD3Q27 | |
CIndexInfo | |
CIndexVectors | |
CVelocityAdaptionFunction | |
►CVelocityBoundary | |
CConfiguration | |
CVelocityCallback | |
CVelocityCallback< VelocityField_T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename VelocityField_T::value_type, Vector3< real_t > >::value >::type > | |
CVelocityFieldWriter | |
CVelocityMagnitudeVTKWriter | |
CVelocitySIMagnitudeVTKWriter | |
CVelocitySIVTKWriter | |
CVelocityVectorAdaptionFunction | |
CVelocityVTKWriter | |
CVorticity | |
CVorticityComponentVTKWriter | |
CVTKOutput | Default setup for VTK in LBM simulations |
►Nlbm_generated | |
►Ninternal | |
CNonuniformGPUPackingKernelsWrapper | |
CNonuniformGPUPackingKernelsWrapper< PdfField_T, false > | |
CNonuniformGPUPackingKernelsWrapper< PdfField_T, true > | |
CNonuniformPackingKernelsWrapper | |
CNonuniformPackingKernelsWrapper< PdfField_T, false > | |
CNonuniformPackingKernelsWrapper< PdfField_T, true > | |
CPdfFieldHandling | |
CUniformPackingGPUKernelsWrapper | |
CUniformPackingGPUKernelsWrapper< PdfField_T, false > | |
CUniformPackingGPUKernelsWrapper< PdfField_T, true > | |
CUniformPackingKernelsWrapper | |
CUniformPackingKernelsWrapper< PdfField_T, false > | |
CUniformPackingKernelsWrapper< PdfField_T, true > | |
CBasicRecursiveTimeStep | |
CBasicRecursiveTimeStepGPU | |
CCombinedInPlaceCpuPackInfo | |
CDefaultRefinementScaling | |
CGPUPdfField | |
CNonuniformCommData | |
CNonuniformCommDataHandling | |
CNonuniformGeneratedGPUPdfPackInfo | |
CNonuniformGeneratedPdfPackInfo | |
CNonuniformGPUCommData | |
CNonuniformGPUCommDataHandling | |
CPdfField | |
CPerformanceEvaluation | Class for evaluating the performance of LBM simulations using fields |
CPerformanceEvaluationBase | Class for evaluating the performance of LBM simulations |
CUniformGeneratedGPUPdfPackInfo | Pack Info class template for lattice Boltzmann PDF fields |
CUniformGeneratedPdfPackInfo | Pack Info class template for lattice Boltzmann PDF fields |
►Nlbm_mesapd_coupling | |
►Namr | |
CBlockInfo | |
CMetisAssignmentFunctor | |
CParticlePresenceLevelDetermination | |
CWeightAssignmentFunctor | |
CWeightEvaluationFunctor | |
►Npsm | |
CBoxWithOverlap | |
CCylindricalBoundaryWithOverlap | |
CEllipsoidWithOverlap | |
CHalfSpaceWithOverlap | |
COverlapFractionFunctor | |
CParticleAndVolumeFractionMapping | |
CPSMSweep | LBM sweep for the partially saturated cells method |
CSphereWithOverlap | |
CAddAccelerationOnParticlesKernel | |
CAddForceOnParticlesKernel | |
CAddHydrodynamicInteractionKernel | |
CAddVirtualForceTorqueKernel | Kernel that sets a virtual force and torque on particles |
CAverageHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel | |
CCurvedLinear | Linear boundary handling for moving particles |
CEquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumReconstructor | |
CEquilibriumReconstructor | |
CExtrapolationReconstructor | |
CFixedParticlesSelector | |
CFlagFieldNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder | |
CGlobalParticlesSelector | |
CGradsMomentApproximationReconstructor | |
CInitializeHydrodynamicForceTorqueForAveragingKernel | |
CInitializeVirtualMassKernel | This kernel calculates virtual mass and inertia and sets them as attributes on a particle |
CInspectionProbe | |
CLubricationCorrectionKernel | Applies a correction for the unresolved lubrication forces and torques on the the interacting particles |
CMovingParticleMapping | Maps the moving particles into the simulation domain and updates the mapping |
CMovingParticleMappingKernel | Kernel that maps all particles onto all blocks to the "moving obstacle" boundary condition, that requires the additional particleField |
COmegaBulkAdapter | |
CParticleAccessorWithShapeVirtualMassWrapper | ! |
CParticleMappingKernel | |
CPdfReconstructionManager | Class to manage the reconstruction of PDFs that is needed when cells are becoming uncovered by moving obstacles |
CRegularParticlesSelector | |
CResetHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel | |
CSimpleBB | Bounce back boundary handling for moving particles |
CSphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder | |
CStokesNumberBasedSphereSelector | |
CSubCyclingManager | Handles the execution of subcycles in a timeloop to allow for finer grained time steps than the LBM ones |
►Nlogging | |
►Ninternal | |
CLoggingMacroDispatcher | |
►CLogging | |
CCustomStamp | |
CTracer | Tracer printing a log message upon creation and destruction |
►Nmath | |
CBoolRandom | |
CDistributedSample | Class describing a distributed statistical sample |
CDoubleAndLongLong | |
CFloatAndLong | |
CFunctionParser | Function parser, for parsing and evaluating functions |
CFunctionParserOMP | |
►CGenericAABB | GenericAABB represents an axis-aligned bounding box |
CMinMaxCornerGivenT | |
CIntRandom | |
CKahanAccumulator | |
CleastUnsignedInteger | Provides the smallest unsigned integer type that has at least minSize bits |
CLimits | Numerical limits of built-in data types |
CMathTrait | Base template for the MathTrait class |
CMathTrait< T, T > | |
CMatrix2 | Efficient, generic implementation of a 2x2 matrix |
CMatrix3 | Efficient, generic implementation of a 3x3 matrix |
CMatrixMxN | Efficient implementation of a \( M \times N \) matrix |
CPlane | |
CQuaternion | Efficient implementation of a quaternion |
CRealRandom | |
CRot3 | Rotation class which merges quaternion and matrix representation |
CSample | Class describing a statistical sample |
CSqrtTrait | Base template for the SqrtTrait class |
CuintFromBitWidth | |
CuintFromBitWidth< 16 > | |
CuintFromBitWidth< 32 > | |
CuintFromBitWidth< 64 > | |
CuintFromBitWidth< 8 > | |
CVector2 | Efficient, generic implementation of a 2-dimensional vector |
CVector2LexicographicalyLess | Functor providing a lexicographical ordering for Vector2 |
CVector3 | Efficient, generic implementation of a 3-dimensional vector |
CVector3LexicographicalyLess | Functor providing a lexicographical ordering for Vector3 |
►Nmesa_pd | |
►Ncollision_detection | |
CAnalyticContactDetection | Collision detection functor which uses analytic functions |
►CEPA | The Expanding-Polytope Algorithm |
CEPA_Edge | Class storing Information about an Edge of the EPA-Polytope |
CEPA_Triangle | Class storing Information about a triangular facette (Triangle) of the EPA-Polytope |
CEPA_TriangleComp | Compare Triangles by their closest points to sort the triangle heap |
CEpsilonRelEPA | |
CEpsilonRelEPA< double > | |
CEpsilonRelEPA< float > | |
CEpsilonRelEPA< long double > | |
CGeneralContactDetection | Collision detection functor which uses recommended collision functions |
CGJK | Implementation of the Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi Algorithm |
CSupport | |
►Ndata | |
►Nparticle_flags | |
CFlagT | |
CBaseShape | Base class of all shape types |
CBox | |
CContactAccessor | Basic ContactAccessor for the ContactStorage |
CContactHistory | |
►CContactStorage | |
CContact | |
Citerator | |
CConvexPolyhedron | |
CCylindricalBoundary | |
CEllipsoid | |
CHalfSpace | Half space shape class |
►CHashGrids | Implementation of the 'Hierarchical Hash Grids' coarse collision detection algorithm |
►CHashGrid | Implementation of the hash grid data structure |
CCell | Data structure for representing a cell in the hash grid (used by the 'Hierarchical Hash Grids' coarse collision detection algorithm) |
CIAccessor | Add this as a base class to identify your class as a accessor |
CIContactAccessor | Add this as a base class to identify your class as an accessor for contact objects |
CLinkedCells | |
CParticleAccessor | Basic ParticleAccessor for the ParticleStorage |
CParticleAccessorWithBaseShape | |
CParticleAccessorWithShape | |
►CParticleStorage | |
Citerator | |
CParticle | |
CSelectContactDiag_n_inv | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactDiag_nto | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactDiag_nto_inv | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactDiag_to_inv | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactDistance | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactId1 | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactId2 | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactMu | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactNormal | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactO | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactP | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactPosition | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactR1 | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactR2 | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactT | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectContactUid | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Contact |
CSelectParticleAngularVelocity | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleBaseShape | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleClusterID | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleCurrentBlock | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleDv | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleDw | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleFlags | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleForce | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleGhostOwners | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleHeatFlux | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleHydrodynamicForce | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleHydrodynamicTorque | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleInteractionRadius | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleInvInertiaBF | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleInvInertiaBFIncludingVirtual | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleInvMass | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleInvMassIncludingVirtual | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleLinearVelocity | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleNeighborState | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleNewContactHistory | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleNextParticle | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleNumContacts | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleOldAngularAcceleration | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleOldContactHistory | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleOldForce | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleOldHydrodynamicForce | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleOldHydrodynamicTorque | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleOldLinearAcceleration | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleOldTorque | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleOwner | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticlePosition | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleRadiusAtTemperature | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleRotation | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleSegmentID | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleShapeID | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleTemperature | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleTorque | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleType | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleUid | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleVirtualInertiaBF | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CSelectParticleVirtualMass | Predicate that selects a certain property from a Particle |
CShapeStorage | |
CSingleContactAccessor | Basic ContactAccessor which emulates a single Contact in a ContactStorage without actually needing a ContactStorage |
CSingleParticleAccessor | Basic ParticleAccessor which emulates a single particle in a ParticleStorage without actually needing a ParticleStorage |
CSparseLinkedCells | |
CSphere | |
►Ndomain | |
►Ninternal | |
CParticleDeleter | Class which gets initialized by BlockForestDataHandling |
CBlockForestDataHandling | |
►CBlockForestDomain | |
CSubdomain | |
CIDomain | Abstract base class for the local subdomain |
CInfiniteDomain | Every process assumes the whole simulation space belongs to its subdomain |
►Ninternal | |
CFaceDataSourceAdapter | Adapts a face data source for the MESAPD mesh output to the generic face data source class |
CVertexDataSourceAdapter | Adapts a vertex data source for the MESAPD mesh output to the generic vertex data source class |
►Nkernel | |
►Ncnt | |
CAnisotropicVDWContact | Anisotropic vdW contact |
CIntegratedVDWContact | VdW Contact with integration |
CIsotropicVDWContact | Isotropic vdW contact model |
CVBondContact | VBond interaction model |
CViscousDamping | |
CWallContact | Repulsive wall interaction kernel |
CAssocToBlock | Kernel which updates the currentBlock property of all local properties |
CDetectAndStoreContacts | Kernel which performs collision detection on a pair of two particles and inserts the contact (if existent) into the contact storage passed in the constructor |
CDoubleCast | This kernel requires the following particle accessor interface |
CExcludeInfiniteInfinite | |
CExplicitEuler | Explicit Euler integration |
CForceLJ | Kernel which calculates the Lennard Jones force between two particles |
CHCSITSRelaxationStep | Apply a HCSITS (Hard-contact semi-implicit timestepping solver) relaxation to all contacts |
CHeatConduction | Heat conduction interaction kernel |
CInitContactsForHCSITS | Init the datastructures for a contact for later use of the HCSITS-Solver |
CInitParticlesForHCSITS | Init the datastructures for the particles for later use of the HCSITS-Solver |
CInsertParticleIntoLinkedCells | Inserts a particle into the data::LinkedCells data structure |
CInsertParticleIntoSparseLinkedCells | Inserts a particle into the data::SparseLinkedCells data structure |
CIntegrateParticlesHCSITS | Kernel performing integration of the particles after the HCSITS iteration is done |
CLinearSpringDashpot | Advanced DEM kernel |
CNonLinearSpringDashpot | Advanced DEM kernel |
CPFCDamping | PFC style damping |
CSelectAll | |
CSelectGhost | |
CSelectMaster | |
CSemiImplicitEuler | Semi-implicit Euler integration for position and velocity |
CSingleCast | This kernel requires the following particle accessor interface |
CSpringDashpot | Basic DEM kernel |
CSpringDashpotSpring | Basic DEM kernel |
CTemperatureIntegration | Kernel which explicitly integrates a particle in time |
CVelocityVerletPostForceUpdate | |
CVelocityVerletPreForceUpdate | Velocity verlet integration for all particles |
►Nmpi | |
CBroadcastProperty | Broadcast a property from the master particle to all corresponding ghost particles |
CClearGhostOwnerSync | Clear all ghost particles and reset ghost owner information |
CClearNextNeighborSync | Clear all ghost particles and reset ghost owner information |
CContactFilter | Contact filter for parallel execution of collision detection |
CReduceContactHistory | Reduces all contact history from ghost particles to the master particle |
CReduceProperty | Reduce a property from all ghost particles to the corresponding master particle |
CSyncGhostOwners | Kernel which updates all ghost particles |
CSyncNextNeighbors | Kernel which updates all ghost particles |
CSyncNextNeighborsBlockForest | Kernel which updates all ghost particles |
CSyncNextNeighborsNoGhosts | Next neighbor synchronization kernel without ghost particles |
►Nsorting | |
CHilbertCompareFunctor | Compare functor which sorts particles according to the hilbert space filling curve |
CLinearizedCompareFunctor | Compare functor which sorts particles along the x, y and z axes |
►Nvtk | |
CIOutputSelector | |
COutputSelector | |
CParticleVtkOutput | |
►CContactHistoryNotification | Transmits the contact history |
CParameters | |
CContainsPointFunctor | |
CFaceDataSource | |
►CForceTorqueNotification | Transmits force and torque information |
CParameters | |
►CHeatFluxNotification | Transmits force and torque information |
CParameters | |
►CHydrodynamicForceTorqueNotification | Transmits force and torque information |
CParameters | |
CMeshParticleVTKOutput | |
►CNewGhostParticleNotification | This notification is send to the owner of a particle to signal that a new ghost particle exists and the ghost particle list should be updated |
CParameters | |
CNotificationTrait | Returns the notification type of the template parameter |
CNotificationTrait< NewGhostParticleNotification > | |
CNotificationTrait< ParticleCopyNotification > | |
CNotificationTrait< ParticleGhostCopyNotification > | |
CNotificationTrait< ParticleMigrationNotification > | |
CNotificationTrait< ParticleRemoteMigrationNotification > | |
CNotificationTrait< ParticleRemovalInformationNotification > | |
CNotificationTrait< ParticleRemovalNotification > | |
CNotificationTrait< ParticleUpdateNotification > | |
►CNumContactNotification | Transmits force and torque information |
CParameters | |
COutputSelectorFaceDataSource | Generic data source to pick data for a face using a particle selector |
COutputSelectorFaceDataSource< MeshType, Selector, Vector3< Type > > | Data Source for particle selectors specialized for Vec3 |
COutputSelectorVertexDataSource | |
COutputSelectorVertexDataSource< MeshType, Selector, Vector3< Type > > | Data Source specialized for Vec3 |
CParseMessage | |
►CParticleCopyNotification | A complete particle copy |
CParameters | |
►CParticleGhostCopyNotification | A complete particle copy for a new ghost particle |
CParameters | |
►CParticleMigrationNotification | Migrate the particle to this process |
CParameters | |
►CParticleRemoteMigrationNotification | The ownership for one of the ghost particles has changed |
CParameters | |
►CParticleRemovalInformationNotification | Used to signal other processes that a shadow copy was destroyed |
CParameters | |
►CParticleRemovalNotification | The specified particle should be removed from the process |
CParameters | |
►CParticleUpdateNotification | Updates a ghost particle |
CParameters | |
CRayParticleIntersectionRatioFunctor | |
CSurfaceVelocityVertexDataSource | |
►CVelocityCorrectionNotification | Transmits corrections of the linear and angular velocity (dv / dw) that were generated by the impulses acting on the ghost particles during application of the Hard-Contact-Solvers (HCSITS) to the main particle and adds them up |
CParameters | |
►CVelocityUpdateNotification | Adds up LinearVelocity + Parameters::relaxationParam * velocity_correction in a particle and transmits the result to all its ghost particles |
CParameters | |
CVertexDataSource | |
►Nmesh | |
►Ndistance_octree | |
►CBranchNode | |
CChildInfo | |
CDistanceOctree | |
CLeafNode | |
CNode | |
►Npe | |
CAngularVelocityFaceDataSource | |
CAngularVelocityVertexDataSource | |
CConvexPolyhedron | Pe body representing a ConvexPolyhedron |
CConvexPolyhedronParameters | |
CDefaultTesselation | |
CLinearVelocityFaceDataSource | |
CLinearVelocityVertexDataSource | |
►CPeVTKMeshWriter | |
CDataSource | |
CFaceDataSource | |
CFaceDataSourceWrapper | |
CVertexDataSource | |
CVertexDataSourceWrapper | |
CSIDFaceDataSource | |
CSIDVertexDataSource | |
CSurfaceVelocityVertexDataSource | |
CUIDFaceDataSource | |
CUIDVertexDataSource | |
CAABBFaceFilter | |
CAreaFaceDataSource | |
CBoundaryInfo | |
CBoundaryLocation | |
CBoundarySetup | |
CBoundaryUIDFaceDataSource | |
CColorFaceDataSource | |
CColorToBoundaryMapper | |
CColorVertexDataSource | |
CComplexGeometryBlockforestCreator | |
CComplexGeometryStructuredBlockforestCreator | |
CDistanceProperties | |
CDistributedVTKMeshWriter | |
CExcludeMeshExterior | |
CExcludeMeshInterior | |
CExcludeMeshInteriorRefinement | |
CFloatTraits | |
CIndexFaceDataSource | |
CIndexVertexDataSource | |
CMeshWorkloadMemory | |
CNormalsFaceDataSource | |
CNormalsVertexDataSource | |
CQHull | |
CQHullFaceSorter | |
CQHullPointDataSource | |
CRankFaceDataSource | |
CRankVertexDataSource | |
CRealTraits | |
CRefinementSelection | |
CStatusBitFaceDataSource | |
CStatusBitVertexDataSource | |
CStatusFaceFilter | |
CSubsetFaceFilter | |
CTriangleDistance | Adds information required to compute signed distances from a point to a triangle |
►CVTKMeshWriter | |
CDataSource | |
CFaceDataSource | |
CVertexDataSource | |
►Nmpi | |
►Ninternal | |
►CAbstractCommunication | |
CReceiveInfo | |
CKnownSizeCommunication | |
CNoMPICommunication | |
CUnknownSizeCommunication | |
CUnknownSizeCommunicationIProbe | |
CBufferSizeTrait | |
CBufferSizeTrait< BlockDataID > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< blockforest::BlockID > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< bool > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< Cell > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< CellInterval > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< char > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< ConstBlockDataID > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< double > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< float > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< free_surface::bubble_model::Bubble > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< free_surface::bubble_model::DistanceInfo > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< int > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< long > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< long long > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< math::Rot3< V > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< mesa_pd::ForceTorqueNotification > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< mesa_pd::HeatFluxNotification > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< mesa_pd::HydrodynamicForceTorqueNotification > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< mesa_pd::NumContactNotification > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< mesa_pd::ParticleMigrationNotification > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< mesa_pd::ParticleRemoteMigrationNotification > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< mesa_pd::ParticleRemovalNotification > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< mesa_pd::VelocityCorrectionNotification > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< mesa_pd::VelocityUpdateNotification > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< OpenMesh::EdgeHandle > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< OpenMesh::FaceHandle > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< OpenMesh::HalfedgeHandle > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< OpenMesh::VectorT< Scalar, DIM > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< OpenMesh::VertexHandle > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< pe::Owner > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< RandomUUID > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< short > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< signed char > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< std::array< T, N > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< std::basic_string< T > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< std::deque< T, A > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< std::list< T, A > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< std::map< K, T, C, A > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< std::multimap< K, T, C, A > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< std::multiset< T, C, A > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< std::set< T, C, A > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< std::unordered_map< K, T, C, A > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< std::unordered_set< T, C, A > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< std::vector< T, A > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< unsigned char > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< unsigned int > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< unsigned long > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< unsigned long long > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< unsigned short > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< walberla::lbm::LatticeModelBase< CM, CO, FM, EQU > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< walberla::math::GenericAABB< T > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< walberla::math::Matrix3< VT > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< walberla::math::Quaternion< VT > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< walberla::math::Vector2< VT > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< walberla::math::Vector3< VT > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< walberla::mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::FlagT > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< walberla::pe::debug::BodyData > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< walberla::Set< T > > | |
CBufferSizeTrait< walberla::uid::UID< GE > > | |
CDatatype | RAII class for MPI data types that commits and frees them |
CEnvironment | RAII Object to initialize and finalize MPI |
►CGenericBufferSystem | Manages MPI Communication with a set of known communication partners |
Citerator | |
CSendInfo | |
CGenericOpenMPBufferSystem | Wrapper around BufferSystem for OpenMP parallel MPI communication |
CGenericRecvBuffer | Implementation of a MPI receive buffer |
►CGenericSendBuffer | Implementation of a MPI send buffer |
CPtr | |
CMPIManager | Encapsulates MPI Rank/Communicator information |
CTokenizedScope | Object that starts tokenizing in constructor and ends tokenizing when going out of scope |
CTokenizing | MPI tokenizing ensures that not more than N processes execute the same code portion simultaneously |
►Npde | |
CCGFixedStencilIteration | |
CCGIteration | |
CCoarsenStencilFieldsDCA | Direct Coarsening Approach for the stencil field |
CCoarsenStencilFieldsGCA | Galerkin Coarsening Approach for the stencil field |
CComputeResidual | Residual calculation sweep for multigrid with stencil field |
CComputeResidualFixedStencil | Residual calculation sweep for multigrid with fixed stencil weights |
CConditionalResidualNorm | |
►CDirichlet | Dirichlet boundary handling for PDEs |
CDirichletBC | |
CJacobi | |
CJacobiFixedStencil | |
CJacobiIteration | |
►CNeumann | Neumann boundary handling for PDEs |
CNeumannBC | |
CNeumannDomainBoundary | Class for setting Neumann domain boundaries for 1st and 2nd derivatives |
CProlongateAndCorrect | Prolongation and correction sweep for multigrid |
CRBGSFixedStencil | |
CRBGSIteration | |
CResidualNorm | |
CResidualNormStencilField | |
CRestrict | Restriction sweep for multigrid |
CSOR | |
CSORFixedStencil | |
CStencilFieldSweepBase | |
CStencilSweepBase | |
CSweepBase | |
CVCycles | Class for multigrid V-cycle |
CZeroize | Sweep that sets all values in a field to zero |
►Npe | |
►Nbg | |
CIBG | |
CSimpleBG | |
CSimpleBGDataHandling | |
►Nccd | |
CCCDDataHandling | |
►CHashGrids | Implementation of the 'Hierarchical Hash Grids' coarse collision detection algorithm |
►CHashGrid | Implementation of the hash grid data structure |
CCell | Data structure for representing a cell in the hash grid (used by the 'Hierarchical Hash Grids' coarse collision detection algorithm) |
CHashGridsBodyTrait | Specialization of the BodyTrait class template for the 'hierarchical hash-grid' algorithm |
CHashGridsDataHandling | |
CSimpleCCD | |
CSimpleCCDDataHandling | |
►Ncommunication | |
CBoxParameters | |
CCapsuleParameters | |
CEllipsoidParameters | |
CGeomPrimitiveParameters | |
►CMarshalDynamically | |
CMarshalFunctor | |
CMPIRigidBodyTraitParameter | |
►CRigidBodyCopyNotification | Wrapper class for rigid body copies |
CParameters | |
►CRigidBodyDeletionNotification | Wrapper class for rigid body deletion notifications |
CParameters | |
►CRigidBodyForceNotification | Wrapper class for rigid body force and torque contribution notifications |
CParameters | |
►CRigidBodyMigrationNotification | Wrapper class for rigid body migration notifications |
CParameters | |
►CRigidBodyNewShadowCopyNotification | Wrapper class for rigid body new shadow copy notifications |
CParameters | |
CRigidBodyParameters | |
►CRigidBodyRemoteMigrationNotification | Wrapper class for rigid body remote migration notifications |
CParameters | |
►CRigidBodyRemovalInformationNotification | Wrapper class for rigid body removal notifications |
CParameters | |
►CRigidBodyRemovalNotification | Wrapper class for rigid body removal notifications |
CParameters | |
►CRigidBodyUpdateNotification | Wrapper class for rigid body updates |
CParameters | |
►CRigidBodyVelocityCorrectionNotification | Wrapper class for rigid body velocity corrections |
CParameters | |
►CRigidBodyVelocityUpdateNotification | Wrapper class for rigid body velocity updates |
CParameters | |
CSphereParameters | |
CSquirmerParameters | |
CUnionParameters | |
►CUnmarshalDynamically | |
CUnmarshalFunctor | |
►Ncr | |
CDEM | |
CDEMSolver | |
►CHardContactSemiImplicitTimesteppingSolvers | Particular implementation of the collision resolution for the hard contacts |
CBodyCache | |
CContactCache | |
CHCSITSBodyTrait | |
CICR | |
CIntegrateExplicitEuler | Integrate the trajectory of one body using explicit Euler |
CIntegrateImplicitEuler | Integrate the trajectory of one body using implicit Euler |
CPlainIntegrator | |
CPlainIntegratorSolver | |
CResolveContactSpringDashpotHaffWerner | |
►Ndebug | |
CBodyData | |
►Nfcd | |
CAnalyticCollideFunctor | |
CAnalyticSingleCollideFunctor | |
►CEPA | The Expanding-Polytope Algorithm |
CEPA_Edge | Class storing Information about an Edge of the EPA-Polytope |
CEPA_Triangle | Class storing Information about a triangular facette (Triangle) of the EPA-Polytope |
CEPA_TriangleComp | Compare Triangles by their closest points to sort the triangle heap |
CEpsilonRelEPA | |
CEpsilonRelEPA< double > | |
CEpsilonRelEPA< float > | |
CEpsilonRelEPA< long double > | |
CGenericFCD | Uses CollideFunctor to call collide function without additional namespace inclusion |
CGJK | Implementation of the Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi Algorithm |
CGJKEPACollideFunctor | |
CGJKEPASingleCollideFunctor | |
CSimpleFCD | |
CSimpleFCDDataHandling | |
►Ninternal | |
CCheckUID | UnaryPredicate to check of rigid body has given uid |
►Nraytracing | |
CBodyIntersectionInfo | Contains information about a ray-body intersection |
CColor | |
CIntersectsFunctor | |
CLighting | The Lighting struct defines the properties of a point light in the scene |
CRay | |
CRaytracer | |
CShadingParameters | |
►CBodyIterator | |
Citerator | |
CBodyStatistics | |
CBodyStorage | Body storage of the rigid body simulation world |
CBox | Box geometry |
CCapsule | Capsule geometry |
CConstRigidBodyCastIterator | |
CConstRigidBodyIterator | |
CContact | Contact between rigid bodies |
CCopper | Specification of the material copper |
CCylindricalBoundary | |
CDefaultBodyVTKOutput | |
►CDoubleCast | |
CSingleCastConstFunctor | |
CSingleCastFunctor | |
CDoubleCast< TypeListA, TypeListB, Functor, ReturnType, -1 > | |
CEllipsoid | Base class for the Ellipsoid geometry |
CEllipsoidVtkOutput | |
CFir | Specification of the material fir |
CGeomPrimitive | Base class for all primitive geometries |
CGranite | Specification of the material granite |
CIron | Specification of the material iron |
►CLocalBodyIterator | |
Citerator | |
CMaterial | Rigid body material |
CMPIRigidBodyTrait | Base class for a specialization of the RigidBodyTrait class template for MPI parallel solvers |
COak | Specification of the material oak |
COwner | |
CPlane | Plane geometry |
CRigidBody | |
CRigidBodyCastIterator | Dynamic cast iterator for polymorphic pointer vectors |
CRigidBodyIterator | Implementation of an iterator for pointer vectors |
CSetBodyTypeIDs | |
CSetBodyTypeIDs< BodyTypeTuple, -1 > | |
►CShadowBodyIterator | |
Citerator | |
CSingleCast | |
CSingleCast< TypeList, Functor, ReturnType, -1 > | |
CSphere | Base class for the sphere geometry |
CSphereVtkOutput | |
CSquirmer | |
CStorageDataHandling | |
CStorageSelect | |
CStorageType | Class enum for BodyStorages |
CThresholds | Collection of numerical threshold values |
CUnion | Base class for the union geometry, a rigid assembly of bodies |
►Npe_coupling | |
►Namr | |
CBodyPresenceLevelDetermination | |
CGlobalBodyPresenceLevelDetermination | |
CMetisAssignmentFunctor | |
CWeightAssignmentFunctor | |
►Ndiscrete_particle_methods | |
CAddedMassForceEvaluator | Evaluator of the added (virtual) mass force based on the given added mass correlation |
CAveragedInteractionForceFieldToForceFieldAdder | Adds an accumulated force field value to another force field, applying continuous averaging |
CBodyVelocityInitializer | Initializes the bodies with the velocity of the surrounding fluid |
CBodyVelocityTimeDerivativeEvaluator | Evaluates the time derivative of the body velocity |
CCombinedReductionFieldCommunication | Special communication routine to += the values in the ghost layers and update the ghost layers |
CEffectiveViscosityFieldEvaluator | Evaluates the (local) effective viscosity |
CExternalForceToForceFieldAdder | Applies a given constant external force to a force field |
CFieldDataSwapper | Swaps the data of two identical fields |
CForceFieldResetter | Resets the values currently stored in the force field to (0,0,0) |
CGNSExternalForceToForceFieldAdder | Applies a given constant external force to a force field |
CGNSPressureFieldEvaluator | Evaluates the pressure field based on the given (GNS) LBM field |
CGNSSmagorinskyLESField | Adjusts locally the fluid viscosity based on a LES-Smagorinsky turbulence model when using GNS-LBM |
CGNSSweep | Sweep for the LBM formulation of the generalized Navier Stokes equations |
CGNSVelocityFieldEvaluator | Evaluator for the fluid-phase velocity, given a (GNS) PDf field |
CInteractionForceEvaluator | Evaluator of the two most important interaction forces: drag and pressure gradient |
CLiftForceEvaluator | Evaluator of the lift force based on the given lift correlation |
CLubricationForceEvaluator | Evaluates the lubrication force between for a sphere-sphere or a sphere-plane pair |
CPressureFieldEvaluator | Evaluator of the pressure field, given a PDF field |
CPressureGradientFieldEvaluator | Evaluator of the pressure gradient field, given a pressure field |
CSolidVolumeFractionFieldEvaluator | Evaluator of the solid volume fraction field |
CStressTensorGradientFieldEvaluator | Evaluator of the stress tensor gradient field, given a velocity field |
CVelocityCurlFieldEvaluator | Evaluator of the curl of a given velocity field |
CVelocityFieldEvaluator | Evaluator of the velocity field, given a PDF field |
CVelocityGradientFieldEvaluator | Evaluator of the velocity gradient field, given a velocity field |
CVelocityTotalTimeDerivativeFieldEvaluator | Evaluator of the total derivative of the fluid velocity |
CBlockInfo | |
CBodiesForceTorqueContainer | |
CBodyAndVolumeFractionMapping | Mapping class that can be used inside the timeloop to update the volume fractions and body mappings |
CBodyContainerSwapper | |
CBodyMapping | Maps the moving bodies into the simulation domain and updates the mapping |
CCurvedLinear | Linear boundary handling for moving obstacles |
CCurvedQuadratic | Quadratic boundary handling for moving obstacles |
CEquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumReconstructor | |
CEquilibriumReconstructor | Classes to be used together with the PDFReconstruction class to reconstruct PDFs |
CExtrapolationReconstructor | |
CFlagFieldNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder | |
CForceOnBodiesAdder | |
CForceTorqueOnBodiesResetter | |
CForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler | |
CLubricationCorrection | |
CNaNDestroyer | |
CPDFReconstruction | Class to manage the reconstruction of PDFs that is needed when cells are becoming uncovered by moving obstacles |
CPSMSweep | LBM sweep for the partially saturated cells method |
CSimpleBB | Bounce back boundary handling for moving obstacles |
CSphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder | |
CTimeStep | Carries out the the PE time steps, including sub iteration functionality |
►Npython_coupling | |
►Ndetail | |
Cowning_iterator_state | |
CBlockDataNotConvertible | |
CBlockDataToObjectTester | |
CDictWrapper | |
CDispatcher | |
CManager | |
CNonCopyableWrap | |
CNoSuchBlockData | |
CPythonCallback | Run a Python function from C++ code |
►Nselectable | |
►CAllSetSelectableObject | Implementation of SelectableObject using sets (see "AllSet.h") as selection attributes |
CCompare | |
►CSelectableObject | Abstract base class for storing and selecting objects of type T which are attached with selection attributes of type A |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
►CSetSelectableObject | Implementation of SelectableObject using objects of type SetSelectionPair (see "SetSelectionPair.h") as selection attributes, and objects of type Set (see "Set.h") as selector |
CCompare | |
CSetSelectionPair | Class for storing two sets: one marked as "included" and one marked as "excluded" |
►Nsimd | |
►Nscalar | |
Cdouble4_t | |
►Caligned_allocator | STL-compliant allocator that allocates aligned memory |
Crebind | Defines an aligned allocator suitable for allocating elements of type U |
Cis_vector4_type | |
Cis_vector4_type< scalar::double4_t > | |
►Nsqlite | |
CSQLiteDB | |
►Nstencil | |
►Ninternal | |
C$name | Defines a D-dimensional stencil info with Q directions |
CIterator | Iterator over all directions contained in a stencil |
►Ntimeloop | |
CAfterFunction | |
CBeforeFunction | |
CFuncCreator | |
CITimeloop | |
►CPerformanceMeter | |
CMeasurement | This struct holds a measurement definition |
CSelectableFunction | |
CSweepAdder | |
CSweepOnBlock | |
CSweepTimeloop | Timeloop that runs a collection of sweeps |
►CTimeloop | Abstract base class for time loops |
CLoggingStamp | |
CLoggingStampManager | |
►Ntiming | |
CCpuPolicy | Timing policy for the measurement of the CPU time |
CDeviceSynchronizePolicy | Timing policy for the measurement of the GPU time |
CRemainingTimeLogger | |
CScopeTimer | |
CStaticPolicy | Timing policy for fake measurement with a static settable clock |
CTimer | Progress timer for time and performance measurements |
CTimingNode | |
CTimingPool | |
CTimingTree | |
CWcPolicy | Timing policy for the measurement of the wall clock time |
►Nuid | |
►Nsuidgenerator | |
CS | |
Cbit_generated_tag | |
CBitGenerator | Generates UIDs (unique IDs) per class T starting from 1 |
CGlobalState | The global state of the simulation |
Cindex_generated_tag | |
CIndexGenerator | Generates UIDs (unique IDs) per class T starting from 0 |
Csingleton_generated_tag | |
CSingletonGenerator | Generates UIDs (unique IDs) per class T starting from 1 |
Cstandard_generated_tag | |
CStandardGenerator | Generates UIDs (unique IDs) per class T starting from 1 |
CUID | Class for creating, storing, and managing unique identifiers |
►Nvtk | |
►Ninternal | |
CBlockCellDataWriter | Interface that is used by VTKOutput in order to write data to VTK files |
CAABBCellFilter | Implementation of a cell filter based on an axis-aligned bounding box |
CBase64Writer | Class for encoding VTK compatible base64 data streams |
CBlockCellDataWriter | Interface that is used by VTKOutput in order to write data to VTK files |
CBlockCellDataWriterScalingAdapter | |
CCaseInsensitiveCompare | |
CCellBBCellFilter | Implementation of a cell filter based on a cell bounding box |
CChainedFilter | |
CDumpBlockStructureLevel | |
CDumpBlockStructureProcess | |
►CPointDataSource | |
CAttributes | |
►CPolylineDataSource | |
CAttributes | |
CSelectableOutputFunction | |
►CVTKOutput | |
CSamplingCell | |
CVertexCompare | |
CWrite | |
CWriteCollectors | |
CVTKTrait | |
CVTKTrait< double > | |
CVTKTrait< float > | |
CVTKTrait< int16_t > | |
CVTKTrait< int32_t > | |
CVTKTrait< int64_t > | |
CVTKTrait< int8_t > | |
CVTKTrait< math::Rot3< T > > | |
CVTKTrait< math::Vector3< T > > | |
CVTKTrait< std::array< T, N > > | |
CVTKTrait< uint16_t > | |
CVTKTrait< uint32_t > | |
CVTKTrait< uint64_t > | |
CVTKTrait< uint8_t > | |
CAbort | |
CAllSet | A class for managing sets that supports the ability to define a set that represents all possible elements |
CArray | Fixed size, dynamically allocated array |
CBoundaryLocationFunction | |
CConcatIterator | |
CContainerStreamReader | RAII Object to read an STL container (e.g |
CEnvironment | RAII Object to initialize waLBerla using command line parameters |
CForceLogger | Class for calculating (and logging) the force exerted by the fluid on an obstacle inside the domain |
CFunctionTraits | Gives a function's return type as well as the number and type of arguments accepted by a function |
►CFunctionTraits< R(Args...) > | |
Cargument | |
CGameOfLifeSweep | |
CGameOfLifeSweepCUDA | |
CJacobiIteration | |
CJacobiIterationResidual | |
CJacobiSweep | |
CJacobiSweepStencil | |
CMeshDistanceFunction | |
CMPITrait< Matrix3< T > > | |
CMPITrait< Vector2< T > > | |
CMPITrait< Vector3< T > > | |
CMyBoundaryHandling | Functor that is used to add a boundary handling object to each block |
Cnever_true | |
CNonCopyable | Ensures that any derived class can not be copied |
CNonCreateable | Ensures that any derived class can not be constructed (static member functions can still be called!) |
CParameterList | |
CRandomUUID | Replacement for boost::uuids::uuid and boost::uuids::random_generator |
CReattachmentLengthFinder | Class for determining (and logging) the normalized reattachment length after the backward-facing step |
CReinitialize | |
CSet | Wrapper class for managing sets that store elements of type T |
CSetup | [variableDefines] |
CSharedFunctor | |
CShearFlowInit | Shear Flow Initialization Functor /// |
CSimpleSweep | |
CSRTCollideForce | |
CSRTStream | LBGK/SRT algorithm of the lattice Boltzmann method extended by an additional, simple force term (by Luo) |
CUniqueID | Generation of unique IDs in MPI environments |
CVectorTrait | Provides information on how to serialize (=extract components) from a compound data type |
CVectorTrait< Matrix2< T > > | |
CVectorTrait< Matrix3< T > > | |
CVectorTrait< Quaternion< T > > | |
CVectorTrait< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value >::type > | |
CVectorTrait< Vector2< T > > | |
CVectorTrait< Vector3< T > > | |
CVelDensLogger | Class for determining (and logging) the minimum and maximum velocity as well as the minimum and maximum density |
CVelocityFunctor | [setupStruct] |