Distributed memory communication in waLBerla | Describes concept from mpi buffer to communication schemes |
Overview of Field Module | Introduction to the field Module |
Introduction to GPU Programming with waLBerla | |
GUI Documentation | Page describing how to use the graphical user interface |
Stencils | Defines a D-dimensional stencil info with Q directions. |
Get and Build waLBerla | This page describes how to obtain a copy of waLBerla and how to setup your environment for development |
Tutorial - Basics 1: waLBerla Data Structures: Blocks and Fields | Introduction to block structure and field |
Tutorial - Basics 2: Algorithms on Blocks: Sweeps | Introduces the sweep concept, sweep functions, sweep classes, sweeps on block |
Tutorial - Basics 3: Writing a Simple Cellular Automaton in waLBerla | Game of Life in waLBerla |
Tutorial - Code Generation 1: Explicit Solver for the Heat Equation | |
Tutorial - Code Generation 2: Lattice Model Generation with lbmpy | |
Tutorial - Code Generation 3: Advanced LBM Code Generation | |
Tutorial - GPU 1: Game of Life on GPU | |
Tutorial - LBM 1: Basic LBM Simulation | A configurable application for simple LBM simulations |
Tutorial - LBM 4: Complex Geometry | A configurable application for LBM simulations with complex geometries |
Tutorial - LBM 5: Backward-facing step | A configurable application for simulation of backward-facing step problem |
Tutorial - LBM 6: Boundary Conditions | A tutorial for elucidating the usage of and the differences between several boundary conditions |
Tutorial - Confined Gas: Setting up a simple MESA-PD simulation | |
Tutorial - PDE 1: Solving PDEs with the Jacobi Method | Implementing an iterative solver, initializing fields, and setting Dirichlet boundary conditions by functions, domain setup with an axis-aligned bounding box. File 05_SolvingPDE.cpp |
Tutorial - PDE 2: Solving the Heat Equation | Unsteady heat equation, implicit time stepping, VTK output and ParaView, parallelization with MPI, residual based termination. File 06_HeatEquation.cpp |
Tutorial - Confined Gas: Setting up a simple pe simulation | |
Tutorial - Useful Features | |
Setup Eclipse | Instructions how to configure eclipse (project import, coding style, templates) |
Todo List | |
Bibliography | |