waLBerla core Module¶
Certain waLBerla functions require Python slices.
These slices can be created using the waLBerla.makeSlice
with the usual Python list slicing syntax:
import waLBerla
waLBerla.field.gather(b, "SomeField" , waLBerla.makeSlice[:,0.5,:] )
Block Structure¶
- class CellInterval¶
Export of walberla::cell::CellInterval. Describes a range of cells delimited by a min and a max cell. Caution: The max cell is included!
- static fromSlice(slice)¶
Creates a CellInterval from a given Python slice e.g.
CellInterval.fromSlice( makeSlice[0:2,0:1,0:4] )
- __init__(xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax)¶
Constructs a cell interval using 6 integers corresponding to begin and end of the CellInterval in each dimension. The maximum is included in the interval.
- min¶
Minimum cell.
- max¶
Maximum cell.
- size¶
Size in x,y,z direction.
- numCells¶
Number of cells in the interval.
- empty()¶
True if CellInterval does not contain any cells.
- positiveIndicesOnly()¶
True if min and max cell are all non-negative.
- contains(cell)¶
Tests if a cell is contained in the CellInterval.
- contains(cellInterval)¶
Tests if another CellInterval is fully contained inside the CellInterval
- overlaps(cellInterval)¶
True if the CellIntervals have at least one common cell.
- shift(xShift, yShift, zShift)¶
Adds an offset to min and max cell, thus effectively shifting/moving the CellInterval.
- getShifted(xShift, yShift, zShift)¶
Returns a new CellInterval which is shifted by the given offsets
- expand(nrOfCells)¶
Subtracts nrOfCells from min, and adds nrOfCells to max. The size in on dimension effectively increases by 2*nrOfCells.
- getExpanded(x, y, z)¶
Creates new CellInterval which is expanded by the given number of cells in each direction.
- getExpanded(val)¶
Shorthand for getExpanded( val, val, val )
- intersect(cellInterval)¶
Intersects the two CellIntervals and stores result in self.
- getIntersection(cellInterval)¶
Returns the intersection interval between the current and the passed CellInterval.
- class AABB¶
Export of walberla::math::GenericAABB. Axis aligned bounding box using floating point coordinates.
- __init__(min, max)¶
Creates bounding box using a minimum and maximum point, given as tuples.
- __init__(xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax)¶
Creates bounding box using the given minimum and maximum values for each coordinate.
- min¶
Minimum cell.
- max¶
Maximum cell.
- size¶
Size in x,y,z direction.
- empty()¶
True if enclosed volume is zero.
- volume()¶
Volume of the enclosed 3D cube.
- center()¶
Returns centroid of the enclosed cube.
- contains(value)¶
- Parameters:
value – either another AABB or a point
- containsClosedInterval(point, dx=0)¶
- Parameters:
point – The point to be tested for containment
dx – An epsilon the box is extended by in each direction before the test
- getExtended(x)¶
- Parameters:
x – either a scalar or 3-tuple with scaling factors for each dimension
For the following methods see documentation of walberla::math::GenericAABB.
- extend(scalarOrVector)¶
- translate(vector)¶
- getTranslated(translationVector)¶
- scale(scalarOrVector)¶
- getScaled(value)¶
- merge(pointOrAABB)¶
- getMerged(pointOrAABB)¶
- intersect(aabb)¶
- intersects(aabb, dx=0)¶
- intersectsClosedInterval(aabb, dx=0)¶
- intersectionVolume(aabb)¶
- getIntersection(aabb)¶
- isIdentical(aabb)¶
- isEqual(aabb)¶
- sqDistance(point)¶
- sqSignedDistance(point)¶
- sqMaxDistance(point)¶
- distance(point)¶
- signedDistance(point)¶
- maxDistance(point)¶
- class StructuredBlockForest¶
StructuredBlockForest represents a collection of blocks. It can be created using the createUniformBlockGrid method.
- getNumberOfLevels()¶
- getDomain()¶
Returns an axis aligned bounding box representing the complete simulation domain.
- mapToPeriodicDomain(x, y, z)¶
- mapToPeriodicDomain(point)¶
- mapToPeriodicDomain(cell, level=0)¶
- getBlock(x, y, z)¶
- containsGlobalBlockInformation()¶
- blocksOverlappedByAABB(point, aabb)¶
- blocksContainedWithinAABB(point, aabb)¶
- addBlockData(name, blockdata)¶
Adds custom data to the blockforest. This can be a Python Class for example which is then callable on all blocks
- blockExists(point)¶
- blockExistsLocally(point)¶
- blockExistsRemotely(point)¶
- atDomainXMinBorder(block)¶
- atDomainYMinBorder(block)¶
- atDomainZMinBorder(block)¶
- atDomainXMaxBorder(block)¶
- atDomainYMaxBorder(block)¶
- atDomainZMaxBorder(block)¶
- dx(level=0)¶
- dy(level=0)¶
- dz(level=0)¶
- getDomainCellBB(level=0)¶
- getBlockCellBB(block)¶
- transformGlobalToLocal(block, object)¶
- Parameters:
object – either a cell (3 tuple) or a CellInterval
- transformLocalToGlobal(block, object)¶
- Parameters:
object – either a cell (3 tuple) or a CellInterval
- containsGlobalBlockInformation¶
- periodic¶
- abort(msg)¶
- log_devel(msg)¶
- log_devel_on_root(msg)¶
- log_result(msg)¶
- log_result_on_root(msg)¶
- log_warning(msg)¶
- log_warning_on_root(msg)¶
- log_info(msg)¶
- log_info_on_root(msg)¶
- log_progress(msg)¶
- log_progress_on_root(msg)¶
- log_detail(msg)¶
- log_detail_on_root(msg)¶
Rank & Communicator Infos¶
- rank()¶
- worldRank()¶
- numProcesses()¶
- hasCartesianSetup()¶
- rankValid(rank)¶
- worldBarrier()¶
- broadcastInt(integerOrListOfIntegers, sendRank=0)¶
- broadcastReal(realOrListOfReals, sendRank=0)¶
- broadcastString(stringOrListOfStrings, sendRank=0)¶
- reduceInt(integerOrListOfIntegers, operation, recvRank=0)¶
- reduceReal(realOrListOfReals, operation, recvRank=0)¶
- allreduceInt(integerOrListOfIntegers, operation)¶
- allreduceReal(realOrListOfReals, operation)¶
- gatherInt(integerOrListOfIntegers, recvRank=0)¶
- gatherReal(realOrListOfReals, recvRank=0)¶
- allgatherInt(integerOrListOfIntegers)¶
- allgatherReal(realOrListOfReals)¶